Its not suppose to

23 1 0

it's not suppose

to be like this

I'm not allowed

to feel anything

I am not suppose

to know what

this feeling is

I am not suppose

to want to live

with it

I was and am

not allowed to

feel love

I have been told

so since I was

little so I have

believed what I

was told

but now something

in me clicked and

now that it has

I don't think I

will ever be

the same for me

I am not

supposed to

be thinking

about someone

at all like how

I think of you

I am not suppose

to look at you then

feel my heartbeat

the way it does

I am not suppose

to feel jealous

when I see you

around other girls

I'm not suppose to

feel anything other

than hatred for

other humans

I'm not suppose

to love or feel

love it just

doesn't make

I am not suppose

to feel any thing

at all but why

is it that you

make me want

to change that

it's just not

the way it

is suppose to be

The Unknown Us (poems)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora