Her world

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All you see is the girl outside

But never who she really is

Can’t stand her cause she acts like you

Don’t really what to know the real her

Everyone else says spiting image but they all

Fail to see she is not like her mom

Greeted like the piece of trash you think she is

How and why she is treated like this she’ll never know

It can’t truly be something she has done she thinks

Just as the tears stream down her face

Killed since the beginning of her days

Like a still born baby but she is still ‘alive’

Many people think and try to ‘help’

No one will ever succeed though

Only since she refuses their help

Probably never will except the help and she has

Quit caring is all she has done for herself but the

Revolving pain and sorrow never ends

So many ideas to end it all but

There is something she wants first

Until then she plans to

Vow to never go until then but

Whenever that happens she doesn’t know if she can go or not

X marks where she will attack first

You have no way of stopping her no matter how

Zeal* you are about it

Zeal-feeling of strong eagerness 

The Unknown Us (poems)Where stories live. Discover now