Monster in my Heart

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When you’re gone

She always seems

To be awoken like

She knows something 

Bad will happen

When you’re close

Enough for her to 

Touch she is asleep

Knowing the world

Will be okay

The monster in

Me seems to be 

Very fond of you 

To the point if she 

Lost you she wouldn't

Know what to do at all

No one can

Affect her like

You can for

Some reason

You and only

You is what

She tells me

The inner me has

Been lost and lonely

For so long but

That seemed to

Stopped when I 

Meet you

The monster in

My heart is just

Not accepting of

The fact that I ended

It all but i don't see why

You confused her

To the point of no

End but for some

Reason she still 

Wants you all for


The monster in me

Is like a mythical creature

Waiting for the one they

Call mate and the odd thing

Is that she has chosen you

As her one and only 

The monster

In my heart

Only wants you

And you alone

The Unknown Us (poems)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora