See What I See

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  • Opgedragen aan A really close friend of mine

She sees that she is the 

Ugliest creature in this Galaxy

She sees that she in the fattest

Creature in this world

She thinks that she deserves

Nothing more than pain and misery

She thinks that anyone or thing

Should be happier than she

She doesn't want to see that she

Is loved by anyone in this world

She Doesn't want to believe 

That she should be alive 

She believes that she was

Meant to suffer in this world

She believes what the 'voices'

Want her to believe

She believes that this

World would be better of 

With out her in it

She believes that she isn't

'Good enough'

She only wants to help

Others in this world no matter

What it may cause her in the end

She only wants to be "Beautiful"

And to her that means she 'needs'

To be as thinner a toothpick

She thinks she is nothing more than

A fat, stupid, useless, unlovable, waste of space,

But that is what she sees herself as

She doesn’t see what I see

I see a BEAUTIFUL girl with a 

Sparkling personality

I see a super SKINNY girl

That if she loses any more

Weight she should be in rehab

I think she is someone that

DOES DESERVE more than

Pain and misery in her life

I think that she SHOULD be

One of the HAPPIEST people

I can see that she IS LOVED

By many people and the ones that

Do hate her can go fuck themselves

I do believe that she SHOULD be

ALIVE the world won't be quiet the

Same with out someone like her

I believe her suffering has made

Her a extremely Strong person

I believe the 'Voices' are just 

There to make her strong IF

She DOESN'T believe the 

Crap they tell her

I believe that if she had

Left this world the world

Would go into mass chaos

I  believe she is GOOD ENOUGH

For ANYONE she sets her eyes on

I Believe that she should help

People but not if the cost if

Her health or life

I WANT her to see that she IS

BEAUTIFUL and that she DOESN'T

Need to be Thinner than a toothpick

Because she already is super skinny

I see and Believe that she IS a

Beautiful, Smart, Caring, Bright,

Lovable, Person that should be

around in this world

I see all of these things 

Even if she doesn't want

To believe me and what I see

I just always want to tell

Her what I see even if

She doesn't see what I see

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