key to my heart

35 0 0

the unknown

feelings in my

heart are all

caused by you

I don't what

they are since

I have hidden

all and any

emotions for

so long

but for some

reason your the

only one that

can somehow

make me show

any emotion

it confuses and

scares me so much

that tried pushing

you away

for some reason

pushing you away

doesn't seem to help

though it just caused

build within me

no matter how

much I try to get

you out of my

head or heart

you won't leave

you always appear

then you always

open the bottle

I have created

I think somehow

I gave you the

key to my heart

without knowing it

but what the hell

caused me to give

you the key

why is it you

and only you

are allowed

have the key

my heart

The Unknown Us (poems)Where stories live. Discover now