Killing Me Softly

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Everyday you 

Destroy me

Mentally with

The things you say

Everyday you kill

Me physically 

With your abuse

You are killing

Me tthrough


You are killing

Me softly to the

Point where I

Can't stand be

Alive anymore

You claim that

You love me

But all you are

Doing is killing me

You never really

Cared that you

Are killing me

If it weren't for

The fact I can't

Stand talking to

You for it

You would know

That you are killing

ME softly with the things

That YOU do to me

If you knew

You were killing

Me softly 

Would you 

Make it more obvious

OR would you stop?

But because I don't 

WAnt anyone to know

I am just going to let you

Kill me softly

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