Chapter 9: Taking care a sick princess

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We see Y/n at work helping other people setting up the stage while Sachiko and Hikari were on stage practising for their show which will come very soon. Y/n have no problems doing the hard jobs such as setting up the lights or checking that things won't fall in high places because he basically swing around, climb up to high places and have been to high places while as Spider-man so it was easy for him to climb up and climb down without people suspicious of him climb onto walls rather then ladders or any objects.

Y/n was in the middle fixing the lights and while he dose that he looks over to see Hikari and Sachiko practising their moves and their steps which looks good to Y/n as he watch them show their smiles while they dance. Y/n smile thinking it will be a great show as he finish up fixing up with the light while also sticking some with is webs but no one will not notice. He climbs back down and Riri waits for him as he lands on his feet and turns to her.

Riri: (smile) Whoa I never know your such a good climber Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, I've learn a few climbing skills while I was in my old school.

Riri: (smile) Interesting. Well your shift is done here Y/n, I'll see you later.

Y/n: (smile) Same here.

Once she left he walks over to Hikari and Sachiko qs they have their break.

Y/n: (smile) That was pretty good you two. I can tell this show is gonna be the best!

Hikari: (smile) Yeah same here.

Sachiko: Once we get our moves done and remember our notes, we can be ready for the show to come.

Hikari: (smile) Can't wait for that!

Y/n: (smile) Same. Well better leave you two be to practice, see ya you two.

Hikari: (smile) See ya Y/n~!

Y/n make his leave as Hikari watch him leave whileshe tells Sachiko.

Hikari: (smile) Isn't Y/n such a nice boy. Wish he can stay z bit longer.

Sachiko nods to Hikari while Y/n exit out of the door and read through the text and see he got a text from Kanade.

Y/n: Looks like Akane got the cold. Man that sucks, maybe I grab some medicine and other stuff and head over there to help.

He made his way to the front entrance but once there he was surprised to see Aoi by the front entrance so he walks over to her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Aoi, didn't know you'll be here. Here to check up on Hikari?

Aoi: Oh hey Y/n. Well not exactly.

Y/n: (thought) It looks like she is bothered by something. Hope everything is okay?

Y/n: Hey you okay? You seem to be upset?

Aoi: Oh no I'm fine it's just......I'm not truthful towards you ever since we met.

Y/n: Huh, what do you mean?

Aoi: Let' somewhere that no one can't hear.

Y/n: Um sure, lead the way.

Now Y/n was really worried about Aoi now as they exit out of the front entrance and make their way to the park where the two sat down on the bench as Y/n looks at Aoi whike Aoi just looks down at the floor in shame.

Y/n: Aoi, If you don't want to talk about it then that's okay.

Aoi: No. I can't hide this truth anymore. Especially to a kind and nice person like you. You deserve to know the truth.

Y/n looks at her as Aoi finally turns to Y/n and stare him as she takes a deep breath and tells him.

Aoi: You powers isn't to remember things ever since I was a child. The truth real powers is called absolute loyalty.

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