Chapter 17: Hero team up!

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We see Y/n racing through the street searching for where the police have Shuu and see if he is alright. The whole nation were shocked about the news and wonders it could be true, they wonder if Shuu really did kill 30 people but they were not sure. Still though we see Y/n finding the police station and enter inside and see the other Sakurada family there with Souichhiroi trying to convince the chief and the FBI agents that eveyething was a mistake and won't believe his own son will never do such a thing.

The rest were sitting down at the waiting room as Y/n rush over to them and they turn to see him and Akane stood up and hug him, glad that he is here.

Akane: Y/n thanks goodness your here. I just can't believe this. I know Shuu would never do such a thing.

Y/n: I know I believe he would never do such a thing as well. Where's Hana?

Akane: Being interrogated by FBI agents but I think she too doesn't know what is going on.

Y/n: She's probably scared as well. Still why is the FBI involve?

Kanade: Those 30 people were the CEO's and important business companies. They believe Shuu kill them all so he can control of them but that's stupid.

Aoi: I agree, Shuu would never do such a thing.

Hikari: Yeah me must be framed!

Misaki: There has to be something we can do right?

Haruka: Unfortunately we can't do anything. We don't know where to start and the whole nation is shaking from thus news. I don't think they can trust us.

Y/n: But I'll trust you and don't worry. Me and my sister and find out who done it and bring him to justice.

Akane: Alright thanks Y/n. Let's hope Spider-man will also believe us.

Y/n: (smile) I'm sure he dose.

Once that he make his leave out of the police station and once out he enter the back alleyway and meet up with Spider-girl as she tossed him his bag that has his suit inside and gets changed behind a trash bin.

Spider-girl: So what's our first step?

Y/n: We head to where the killing happen, find any clues and locate the person who really killed those people.

Spider-girl: Still why would someone kill CEO and important business people?

Y/n: Who knows but either someone who has plans or one of them didn't guve him a bigger payment.

Spider-girl: (chuckle) Probably both.

Soon he finished gets changed as he puts on his mask and turns to Spider-girl and she nodes and the two fire their webs and swing off to the warehouse as Spider-girl tells Spider-man.

Spider-girl: Hey I've called someone who is living here and she'll be helping us once we get there.

Spider-man: Is she a friend of yours?

Spider-girl: Yep. We group chatted a while back and i think you might know her.

Spider-man: Sounds great! We need more help in order yo clear Shuu's name.

Spider-girl: A lot more help. Who ever this guy maybe, there's probably more of them.

Spider-man: Let's hope they're not organised because that might be a problem.

Soon they arrive at the warehouse as they land at the entrance and there was police tap cover the entrance but they get pass the taps and enter inside. There was white drawings of where the bodies were at as they look around and they were shocked.

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