Whats wrong?

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"Tell sunny I know... I know about how he killed Steve.."

Moons grin went weird, liked surprised weird
"Pardon starlight?.."
"I know he killed my co worker.. I'm not mad.. I'm just curious.. why?" You lied, you were terrified. What if they did the same to you? They already broke your arm..

"Well.. I guess I could let sun ou-" moon was cut off
"NO!.. I mean.. no. I want you to tell me." You were shaking. The mere thought of sun scared you.

"Well he took a picture of when we were.."
You felt a heat warm your cheeks, but it quickly faded away. If Steve knew then.. how many others knew?
You started to panic.
"Fuck,, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck!"
"Darling what's wrong? We killed h8m so there's no evi-"
you hadn't realized you were screaming until after
Moon.. started to cry? He made noises of crying and his smile turned into a frown, yet no tears could be seen. He mad a depressed expression.

"Moon.. I'm sorry I-.. I didn't mean to yell at you like that." You hugged he tight, he cried in your arms
"I.. killed someone.. y/n am I a murderer?" His voice glitched. It sounded like sun. Like a mix of them. Like eclipse.
"Shh... my love.. no, you aren't a murderer.. shh.." you hushed them both in your arms, which, you would probably not have in a couple of chapte- IM JKKKK guys I don't do that type of stuff, no limb kink is disgusting, and it also mocks people who lost their limbs. if you have an oc that doesn't have a limb or two that's okay but it's just best to not sexualize them.

Just wanted to say that.

As you held moondrop the lights switched on and eventually, moon turned into sun. Now you were holding a puffy? Eyed sun.
"Y/nnn... WAAAAAH!" Sun had always been a big baby. But you knew it was only to hide his personality.
"Oh sun. I'm sorry you had to go through that." You were sorry for Steve actually but whatever makes sun feel better.
"Im- *hic* sorry i scared you y/n!" He whined and your eyes softened
"It's okay, now let's take care of the kids!"

Time skip to when it's working time

"Miss y/n where have you been?" "Miss y/n!" "Miss y//nnn!," all of the tiny voices flooded your head, the kids crowded you. They haven't seen you for Atleast 3 months! It was kinda cute how loving these kids were
"Alright, alright, settle down! One by one ok?"
Each kid raised their hand and sat down in a group infront of you. Reminded you of 2nd grade.

You pointed at one
"Where have you been?"
"I've been very sick in a hospital, but I'm all better now!"
You pointed at another

"What happened to Steve?"

Static filled your eardrums

"What?" You trembled

"I asked, what happened to sun? I can't find him anywhere?"

"O-oh! I don't know. Let me look for him. You kids go have fun and don't do anything bad!" You walked away trying to find sun. You soon found him sat in a corner.

He looked at you, his eyes pitch black. Dark.

You stepped back and blinked, but then after you blinked, he was normal.

"Uhh y/n? Helloooo?"

"Oh sorry.. I thought I saw a.. nevermind."

"Oh okay."

"Why are you in this corner?"

"What corner?"

We're your eyes playing tricks on you? We're you dreaming? The corner was gone. And replaced with a ball pit. Sundrop had been staring at the ball pit.

"Oh I mean.. ball pit."

"Im just taking a break."

"Could you come back please?"

"..Sure." He went to go with the kids as you followed.
Then, you proceded to do all your daily things with the kids as if nothing happened but you still felt.. something was off.

HEYYY GUUUYS.., sorry i haven't been postinghhahaahahahahajans also please stop following the TikTok account "frownywriter" my new account is "kolwl" thank you!

sundrop/moon drop x reader. (Cold warmth)Where stories live. Discover now