Scrap chapter i made before the last three, its tweeked quite a bit

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a/n.. this will be the last chapter im making for this story and i just wanna tell you guys, thank you so much for the love and support and enjoy!!:)

Hand in hand

Love and love

You were there werent you?..

And then i was here again.

Looking for job applications.

"Call 123456789 for a job as the daycare assistant!" It read as i shivered and trembled. Why.. why is this happening.. i remeber.. everything.
How sun drugged me
How it was a week until it opened again, locking me inside
I remember.. him.

Oh god i cant breath
I started to hyper ventilate

This cant be happening
Not again

When y/n would have episodes, she would lose her memory alot, having to go through the traumatic experiences just to retrive a memory her mind had blocked out and she couldnt wake up until she found it. How ever there was one instance where she couldnt find it.. she doesnt know how she got out to this day..

But this time she could remeber everything.

What could it be?

Y/n sighed and messaged the company,
Repeating for a month until she got the job.
She played her role in the script, trying her best to memorize the things they did and say, thats why she called it "the memory game", she was just an elementary student then so it was childish but she adapted quickly to notice small things. How ever she couldnt do the best she could since sun had drugged her, stupid sun of a bitch

(GET IT?? SUN??? Ok anyways.....)

After she met Sandie she had gone outside the pizzaplex to throw some trash outside she say a missing poster. So familiar?..

The eyes turned a velvet red and thats when she rememebered

It was him.

My bells were made for blind kids, did you know that?

Y/ns first crush....

Was brutally murdered after his eyes were plucked out of his skull.
Y/n saw it with her own eyes.
A couple of highschool students who were known to kill animals wanted to try something different. This is the memory she couldnt seem to retrive.
This is what really happened.

She never knew why she was pulled on for questioning, or why those kids got arrested but the horrifying truth revealed itself to y/n with open, long arms. She was swallowed in guilt.

If i could have..
If id saved him!

The world around her glitched and she could hear the screams. The screams of her 2nd grade crush and the sound of static surrounded her. Blood red.

She woke up finally
A silky white hospital dress
Apperantly while she was asleep with sun some kid had burnt the pizzeria to ashes, and as sun struggled he could save y/n.. but not himself.

Little pearls formed in y/ns eyes, he saved me but why am i crying? I should be gald hes gone.. but why am i not?
Y/n wiped the tears of and sniffed.

After a couple days y/n was out of the hospital and she continued her normal life (free health care for LYFE)
She still thinks of them sometimes.. ten years later but y/n is happily living with her pet (insert ur fav animal) and is gettong treatment for her untouched childhood trauma!!

Q&A (ask questions about the story and receive an answer!)

Sorry the plottwists were so sudden, tbh when i made this story i wuz just wingin' it

This is a scrapped chapter I made before the last three, you can pick which ending you like most and please remember,if you have any questions, just ask!

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