one eyed jack//final part

662 16 19

Young - vacations

tw: gore, suicide


Y/n held jacks hand. They would have a picnic today!
But their parents didn't know about it so they felt devious today...

But their were some teenagers at their spot..



Then blood.

I want you - mitski

Y/n stared at the tv screen, the channel was static. A memory.

Feeling her hand, no hand to hold it.

Then he was infront of her again

"Y/n, I'm sorry i put stuff in your food, a-and I killed steve" jack began to tear up.
"I wanted you to forget.. about what happened that day.." the tears coming from jacks right eye began to turn into blood, acid that only effected his right eye, the eye disintegrating as if it was plucked out but yet it faded away.

"Jack, what happened that day?" Y/n asked feeling empty.
"It was an accident. I-..I'm sorry.. but they got my eye."
"..blind kids huh?" Y/n sighed

She woke up, but this time she was calm.
She had totally blocked the memory out from her childhood,
she remembered getting interviewed but didn't remember why.

As she reached the rooftop she decided that...

Maybe the after life isn't so bad at all.

And so she jumped, feeling the summer breeze on her body was so nice. It felt like she was flying, like an angel.


jack was not possessing sun when they did the dirty, only killing Steve and putting sprinkles in her food, but jacks possession was rubbing off on sun's personality towards Y/N therefore making him controlling.

"My bells were made for blind kids" is a reference to jacks blind eye. He got it while killing the teenagers after they got defensive and had knives

How the fuck does jack kill the teens even though he's like 7???
Uhh magic and also serial killer potential

Will you be making more SB fanic stories?
maybe yes, maybe no. I'll probably be focusing on XD's lore book for now.

QnA, comment here for more questions and they'll be answered!

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