Sunshine Mixed With A Hurricane Topped With Insanity

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Sayuri Rei

I'm insane.

I have been for years now, but I've just accepted it at this point.

But you know who's more insane than me, Sayuri Rei, famed assassin of the Port Mafia? My boss, Ōgai Mori. Why? Because he wants me to take out Osamu Dazai and Doppo Kunikida in one go, and later the president of the Armed Detective Agency, Yukichi Fukuzawa. And these three men, by the way, are some of the most powerful, clever, and cunning members of the Agency.

What a fun start to my morning.

Now you may be asking, 'Rei, how did you get here in the first place?'

Well, my dear reader, let me explain.

I've been with the Port Mafia since I was four, and Ōgai Mori took me in after my parents died. Well, my parents... disappeared, but I don't want to talk about it. Anyway,  Master Mori trained me as an assassin, but also treated me as his own daughter, though later I found out a little blonde-haired brat was his actual daughter.


So basically, I've been with the Port Mafia all my life – It's the only life I remember, except for a glimpse of my father's face... and his soft, deep voice as he tucked me into bed one night.

Happy thoughts, Rei. Happy thoughts.

Master Mori has always been there for me, and I've always been grateful for his help in keeping me safe, fed, and with a roof over my head.

But I'm twenty-one now, a full-grown adult, and I'm sick of his, you need me to survive BS.

(If this were a musical, I would sing a song right about now, but I'll spare you this time.)

Ever since the Agency's power through Gifts, what you would call superpowers or special abilities (or for all you smarty-pants out there, prodigious abilities), Master Mori has become wary of them. Especially Dazai.

You see, Dazai used to be part of the Mafia – I knew him, but not well. I only ran into him a few times by accident, but for some reason, Mori never liked it when I was around him. So, deciding it was best to keep Master Mori pleased, I avoided Dazai at all costs.

But now, I get to waltz on into their homes (and by waltz, I mean break into) and shoot them. Fun.

And these thoughts are all running through my head as I hurry down the hallway of headquarters, loading my pistol. The sun is setting fast, and I need to get to Kunikida's house – My first victim – as quickly as possible.

Holstering my gun in its pouch around my thigh, I race down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, my hand sliding over the cold railing. 

I'm wearing the Port Mafia-issued suit that Mori had made especially for me. The only problem is, it's short-sleeved, so I have to wear bandages around my fore-arm to hide the scars and tattoo the Port Mafia has given me. My tattoo is in the shape of an arrow and on my right arm, and though it's small, the dark black ink stands out against my pale skin. And I hate showcasing my scars. They've never made me feel good about myself, and I doubt I will ever be proud of them.

I pull up the hood of my cloak that falls over one shoulder and take a deep breath, pulling a black face mask over my nose and mouth to hide my identity.

My strawberry blonde hair (AU-natarale, incase you were wondering) is tied at the nape of my neck in a bun, now hidden under my hood except for a strand falling in front of my eye (I've always wanted to cut that strand off, but Chuuya won't let me)

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My strawberry blonde hair (AU-natarale, incase you were wondering) is tied at the nape of my neck in a bun, now hidden under my hood except for a strand falling in front of my eye (I've always wanted to cut that strand off, but Chuuya won't let me).

I practically fly down the last flight of stairs and burst out the back door, bolting to the waiting vehicle across the street. I swing the door open and push myself into the car, startling my driver. He steps on the gas and we're moving quickly towards Doppo Kunikida's residence.

And ten minutes later, we've arrived. Well, we're a block away.

I get out, thanking the man who drove me and flick off the safety of my gun as the man drives away.

I hurry down the street, eyes sweeping the road, my foot-steps silent in the quiet night. It's pitch black now – Even better for me to get my job done. But the silence might not be my friend once I pull the trigger.

I spot a few cars parked along the street, but I can't see if there is anyone in them. But it won't matter once I'm finished, and they can't see my face anyway.

My face expressionless, I come up to the front door. My strategy is so ridiculously predictable that it's unpredictable.

I kneel in front of the handle, and start to pick the lock with my tool that I pull out of my pocket.

I freeze when I hear a car door opening, and I look up, but I don't see anyone.

Waiting exactly three seconds, I begin again. I get the door unlocked and nudge it open silently.

I slip inside the house, closing – But not locking – the door behind me. I pad down the hallway and find the bedroom eventually. Nudging the door open, I sneak in to see Kunikida sleeping deeply on his bed. He almost looked peaceful.

And he would be at peace shortly.

Lifting my gun, moving in slightly closer, I point it at his head. A shot between his eyes – My signature mark.

I press on the trigger.

This isn't right.... A voice speaks in my head. The Agency did nothing to deserve this... Kunikida did nothing to deserve this...

I lift my finger from the trigger.

But this is what the master has ordered, another voice, robotic, answers. And therefore you must obey.

I adjust my grip, finger pressing back down.

Yes, pull the trigger. The robotic voice commands.

This isn't right... I take a deep breath.

Pull the trigger.

I push down again.

This isn't-

PULL THE TRIGGER! The voice screams and that's when I realize I wasn't imagining it. This voice is not my own head, rather something that's been implanted... But Master Mori had sworn my chip had been removed...

I press down on the trigger again, my hand shaking. But then I find myself slammed against the wall behind me, a blur of brown hair and trench coat flying towards me. My gun fires, but misses both targets. Then I find a man pinning me against a wall. My gun falls to the floor and I raise my eyes as the man rips my mask off and brushes down my hood.


Then he smiles, "Oh I know you! You're the boss's adopted daughter – The totally hot girl that avoided me all the time!"

I am utterly shocked that he knows my face – And even more so by the fact he thinks I'm hot. Gross, bro. Gross.

My eyes narrow as I feel the robotic voice taking over. It lifts my hand and slams it into his chest. Then my body is moving before I can stop myself. I lunge for him, ready to activate my ability when I feel arms firmly wrapped around me.

Kunikida woke up.  And for someone who was sound asleep seconds ago, his reaction time is great when I swing up my foot and flip over his shoulder. I land in a kneel, but then Dazai is upon me, practically sitting on me in a mount-pin. He's good, but I'm better.

I wrench my hand free to punch him, but he catches my hand. I kick myself free finally and lung for my gun, but Kunikida gets to it first. He flicks off the safety once more and aims it at my head.

Dazai's got me on my stomach, my arms pinned behind my back.

I look up at Kunikida. "Do it," I growl. "I beg of you. Please kill me." I knew he wouldn't do it.

Kunikida meets Dazai's eyes and sighs, lowering the gun. "Let's take her back to headquarters. The president will know what to do with her," he says.

Dazai nodded, "And besides! Maybe if she turns over to our side she'll commit double suicide with me!"

"I will not!"

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