In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised

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Sayuri Rei

I watch through the viewing window as Dazai and Ranpo interrogate our newest suspect to the case we were working on before we were attacked by Akumu Katashi on the mysterious kidnappings around the mall. And by the looks of it, we've got our guy.

The man whimpers as Dazai slams his hands down on the table infront of him and leans forward. "You did it, didn't you." He says in a low, deadly tone, "If you just confess now, I'll stop talking and Rei out there will take you to a comfy prison cell... well, it's as comfortable as a cell can get." I can hear their conversation through the speaker that's mounted on the window.

I adjust my mask to make sure the bottom half of my face is still hidden. It's a simple black cloth that was sewn to snugly fit my face, but it works. The guy looks over Dazai's shoulder at me with wide eyes, "I-I didn't do it!" He stutters, eyes glassy with tears. My heart sinks as doubt weeds it's way into my chest. Maybe this man really is innocent. Damn... we've been working on this case for so long and have run into so many dead ends, that it's beginning to get frustrating.

Dazai balls his fists, about to yell at the man again, when I finally speak up, "Enough, Dazai." He doesn't hear me. He starts to yell at the guy, until I finally shout, "I said enough!" He freezes, standing up straight and stepping away. Ranpo opens the door to the interrogation room and walks out, Dazai behind him. "Look, this is obviously not our guy, so we need to keep looking."

Ranpo nods, "I have a few other suspects that we would just need to track down." He stretches his arms over his head and yawns: "But first, I need a snack." And with that, he walks out of the main room and takes the stairs up to the ADA offices. Dazai sighs as he calls someone from upstairs to escort their suspect out of the building and I walk with him in silence up the stairs to the ADA offices.

Ever since New Years, it's been kind of... weird between us. I mean, sure... there's some sort of confession to be made by the both of us to each other, but I sure as hell ain't going first. And Dazai's been wound real tight lately.

And his bandages... Dazai's started to wear long sleeves to hide the blood that always seems to constantly soak through his bandages.

At first I assumed it was just this case that was eating away at him, but then now I'm not so sure. Could it be party what's going on between us? I mean... I know he puts on this kind of "unbothered" face for most things and a "oh whatever, thing's will be fine" face for others (or in some cases: "I'm a mess and we're all gonna die") but has he ever dealt with a situation like ours? With... love?... If that's what this thing is even called...

As Yuma would say, this is something that should be talked about... but if I'm completely honest, I'd prefer the avoid at all costs strategy this time. Well... except the part about the bloody bandages. That's quite concerning.

As we walked up the stairs, I noticed a dark red spot on Dazai's almost-black turtleneck, on the right cuff of his sleeve. "Um... Dazai? Are you alright?" I asked, causing him to stop and notice his sleeve.

"I'm fine," he muttered, and turned around to keep walking.

I'm fine... The most common lie. "Really?" I ask, causing him to stop again.

"It's just a small cut."

"That's a lot of blood for just a small cut."

He rolls his eyes and keeps walking, but I catch his other wrist once he reaches the top of the stairs. He yanks his hand free and turns to face me. "I told you, Rei. I'm fine." He hisses, "Just leave me alone!"

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