Chuuya's Onto Me... Send Help

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Asahi Yuma






"What, Chuuya!?" My head shoots up. Can't he see I'm trying to read? Why won't he just leave me alone? I meet his eyes dead on. "Well, what is it?!"

He stares back at me for a moment, blinking, before he clears his throat. He shifts in his chair. We're sitting in Mori's office, waiting for him to assign us our next job. There's an awkwardness in the air... Chuuya and I haven't really been talking for the past day or so... It's just... uncomfortable... 

Sure, I probably started it when I told him I loved him, but I didn't think he'd hear...

But now I guess I have some explaining to do. I tilt my head back down to the book I have in my lap, listening quietly as he starts to speak.

"I just... er..." His rough-tinged voice is gentle as he speaks, "Wanted to ask you about a few days ago..."

"It's nothing, Chuuya," I say, cutting him off before he can speak any more. "It's better if we don't talk about it, okay?"

He drops his eyes and gives a nod.

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