Armed Detective Agency: Back In Business

34 4 4

Sayuri Rei

I wake up and my covers are warmer than usual. I'm used to waking up to the heat of my own body... I roll over, opening my eyes. It takes a second for my brain to register the brunette form sleeping soundly beside me. Once I realize that it's Dazai that lays beside me, I roll over so fast that I tumble out of bed.

I hit the floor with a grunt and Dazai sucks in a sleepy breath and turns his back to me, drawing my blankets with him. I stand up and stretch out my sore muscles.

Dazai groans and his eyes open. I watch his pupils come into focus as he rolls onto his back. He goes still when he sees me, but then understanding dawns on him when the sound of rain outside seems to register with him. He sits up, lacing his fingers and stretching his arms above his head. The way his face scrunches up makes me smile some, "Sleep well?" He asks groggily.

I give a half shrug, "Yeah..." I  pause, looking outside.

"Your feet are really cold, by the way."

"What-?" My gaze shoots back to him, but then I smirk, "You took the blankets, so I put my cold feet on you. You're welcome."

He launches a pillow at my head. I laugh as I knock it aside, turning and running down the hall as he picks up another one and chases me out into the living room.


Dazai drives the car to the Agency in silence. We listen to the heavy rainfall that hits the car, flowing down the windows. The windshield wipers are working overtime to clear the windshield so Dazai won't swerve and crash.

"We haven't told the President yet," Dazai says softly, breaking the silence.

I look over at him. His face is profile to me, his brown eyes focused on the road. "What?"

"He doesn't know you're alive."


Dazai purses his lips,  "He... hasn't exactly been open for conversation ever since you... well, died. It was like he was..." what Dazai murmured as we got out of the car surprised me, and I really hoped I heard him wrong.

...Like he was grieving a child.


When I walk into the office, I scan the room. It's empty, save for Ranpo and Kunikida. Ranpo lounges at his desk,  feet up on the table and barbecue chip dust all over his mouth and fingers as he continues to munch on his snack.

Kunikida is typing furiously on his laptop and barely acknowledges us as we come in. Ranpo grins, "President's in his office," he says through his mouthful of food.

I tilt my head, my attention drawn to a photo on the wall... it's the same picture of a little version of me that Mori keeps on his desk. When Dazai leads me into the President's office, I spot the same picture on the President's desk... and now I'm really confused.

The grey haired man at the desk raises his eyes to me, and I can see his pupils dilate, but that is really the only reaction he has to me standing before him.

"Your hair..." The President whispers.

I smile just a little, "it could've been worse..." I whisper in return.

"It's good to have you back, Rei." His mood suddenly changes, "You, Dazai, and Ranpo start your next case tomorrow."

I hear Ranpo cheer, "Let's go!" He cheers from the other room, "We're back in business baby!"

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