13 1/2. Till Death Do Us Part

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There are no happy endings
Endings are the saddest part
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start
-Shel Silverstein

Dean's POV

To love a man such as Cas was to love the world itself, for the world must not be so terrible if it could create such blue eyes, such kind hands, and such a shining soul.

It was Castiel who saved the day in the end. I needed him.

He saved me.

He reminded me, in my darkest hour, of love.

Not of how I loved him, but rather the strength of the thing. The magnitude. How one person can shape another so entirely.

According to the woman, I had one hour. One hour to kill the man I loved, or allow my brother to die.

Cas glanced over at me, worry clouding his beautiful blue eyes. "What about Gabriel. Your brother's boyfriend."

"Fiancé" I corrected bitterly. "I don't know. I can only assume that his entire world will come falling
down if I don't save my brother," but no pressure. Gabriel. From what Sam had told me, he was a jokester. He liked candy. But it wasn't in Sam's words that I learned about the man. It was in the tone that Sam used when talking about him.

I knew that tone. I used it when speaking about Cas.

My eyes widened. I pulled over.

Sam's POV

I could hear the woman talking from the other end of the warehouse. Telling my brother that he had one hour to kill Cas, or I would get a bullet in my skull.

Oh Joy.

I didn't fear death. I had been around it enough. I mean, my brother was a serial killer. I was used to it by now.

But if had found a home now. I had Gabriel. And hell if I was going to let that get ripped away from me.

"Do I get a phone call?" I yelled into the empty space. My voice echoed against the walls, and it sounded hollow.

I could practically hear the woman raise her eyebrows. "A phone call?" She asked, the smile audible on her lips.

I sat tried to seem more relaxed. "Yeah, a phone call. Don't I get a last wish? That is, if you are going to kill me."

"If your brother kills the threat then I see no reason that you should have to die." She said coldly.

I laughed sadly. "You know nothing about love do you? Cas is not just a threat to Dean. He's the sun and the earth. He's his home, his everything." By the end, I was barely breathing. I couldn't die. Not before I was married to Gabriel.

The woman looked me over with disgust, and scoffed. As she strode towards the door, my blood filled with rage. "You can't beat me. You can't destroy love!" I screamed, tears spilling over my eyes, but she was already gone.

I took a few shaky breaths, trying to regain control. And that's when I heard the sound of open fire. Screams echoed through the walls and filled the room. I strained my ears, listening for a name, a war cry, anything that might tell me what was going on.

When the pained shouts had subsided, the terrified whimpers of my attacker flitted into the room. "How did you... Who are you?"

The voice that I had longed to hear replied, strong and defiant. "I'm Gabriel, you bitch, and this is for trying to take my fiancé away." A single gunshot erupted, clear and cruel, and I heard a body slump against the floor.

Cas's POV

For the first time in my life, I was glad that I was a serial killer. The guards that surrounded the warehouse where Sam's phone signal was coming from were big, sure, but they were idiots. Dean and I picked them off fairly easily, and the oafs barely had time to register what was going on.

The real warrior though, was Gabriel. Dean had phoned him up and told him the basics. "Your fiancé is being held captive, and the only way to save him is for my boyfriend to die, yadda yadda yadda."

Gabe had reached us within 15 minutes, so I knew that he was insane. Anyone willing to drive that fast couldn't be normal.

And when we had reached the warehouse, well, there was no other way to say it.

Gabriel was a beast.

He was basically Rambo. He took out probably twice as many people as Dean and I. Combined. And then he had shot that evil psycho lady without flinching. I made a mental note not to harm Sam in any way. I knew now that he had a very dangerous fiancé and a very dangerous brother.

As soon as the woman was dead, Gabriel ran for the door, throwing it open, Dean right behind him. Sam was tied to a chair, but he didn't look too hurt. Gabriel and Dean untied him, and Gabe helped him up.

"Are you all right?!" Gabriel and Dean asked at the same time. Sam smiled painfully, and nodded.

As soon as he was reassured, Gabe kissed his fiancé fiercely. Dean awkwardly shuffled back to me, and grabbed my hand.

"I love you, ya know?" He murmured, looking me in the eye. "Like, really truly, take out a mob of evil psychos, love you."

I watched those clear green eyes. The ones I had fallen completely, head over heels, take out a mob of evil psychos, in love with. "I love you too," I grinned, and kissed him lightly.

Dean's POV

One year after we had saved my giant little brother, I was free of all charges. Turns out the moose was actually really good at lawyering. He had convinced the jury that both Cas and I were innocent, and that the woman, (who was apparently named Naomi,) was to blame. I think that Gabe might have bribed the jury with free candy at his sweet shop too.

My brother was now married, and I had given the customary best man speech. "I remember when this little rascal was captured by the same insane lady that had turned me into a serial killer, but then he now husband had basically killed a bunch of people (pew pew pew.)" Ya know, the average, run of the mill best man speech.

That was great and all, but nothing would compare to those bright, blue, angel eyes as they stared back into my own. Nothing could be as wonderful as the sound of Cas's voice murmuring "I do."

I do.

It was a promise. A promise to love and protect one another, from scary movies to crazy killers. We were in love. Completely, head over heels, take out a mob of evil psychos, in love.

Till death do us part.

The end.
For real this time.

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