3. Messages and Certain Traps

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Dean's POV
As I sat in an even crappier motel, (yes, it was somehow possible,) I felt fairly certain that the man at the desk didn't recognize me. Bobby forced me to wear one of his "disguises." I have to admit, it was a little bit better than my baseball cap and large coat. But he put makeup on me. He made me a painted whore!
So I felt fairly confident that I was safe, or at least confident enough to turn on the news. I had to see old Cassie's new message for me.
"Castiel Novak, a serial killer who rivals Dean Winchester in body count, (bull shit,) has struck once again. He robbed another bank, leaving a new message for rival psychopath Dean Winchester. Here's the clip." The woman on the news stated, and a grainy black and white video played.
There Castiel was, blood covering his right arm, though I could tell it wasn't his own. He began to talk, and I listened for a bit, and he said something like "Dean, how about a meeting. One asshole to another. Can't psychopaths have a little club? I think I'd call it 'killers united.' We could trade stories about murder and stuff." But then I noticed something. He was tapping. And it wasn't just nervous fidgeting. No, it had a distinct rhythm to it. Morse code.
I rewinded back to the beginning of the message and strictly payed attention. to the tapping.
'Winchester, we have to talk. The Roadhouse. I think you know where it is. 11:00 pm.' I finally deciphered. He was right. I did know where it was. The owners were my friends, but that didn't explain how he knew where it was. Unless...
Nope. Nope ALL ABOARD THE NOPE TRAIN TO SCREWTHATVILLE IN FUCKNOISTAN. It would not do to think about that.
Ash could not be a traitor. I wouldn't ever think that. So maybe it was the 'intern' as Ellen called her? Anna? Probably, that bitch.
If Castiel hurt Ellen, Jo, Ash, or anyone, I would kill him.
Never mind the fact that I already planned on doing that... I'd kill him twice!
And if he killed Sammy, then I'd kill him three times and then use his blood to summon satan to bring my brother back to life.
Always nice to have a plan.
But as much as I realized that it was a trap, (I wasn't an idiot,) I couldn't just blow it off. He might actually attack the guys at the Roadhouse, though personally, if he killed Anna I wouldn't be too broken up about it. She had betrayed us after all.
I felt betrayed.
So I decided to go. Heavily armed of course. And after making sure Sammy was a safe distance away.
I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't at 12:00 in the afternoon. A duel at high noon was much cooler than a meeting at 7. What can I say, I'm a stickler for the details.
It was nearly time to go, and I wanted to be there early. I drove my beloved impala to the building and entered.
"Hey. You ready for the big meeting?" Ellen greeted me.
"How did you know about the-" I began, surprised that she'd picked up on the morse code.
"Ash." Ellen said by way of an explanation. Of course. Ash was a genius.
I strode up to the counter. This late at night there was no one around, plus Ellen had closed it due to the meeting.
I leaned over and whispered to her in case of nosy ears, "I wouldn't trust the intern."
"Why not? She's getting the hang of it." Ellen stated, eyebrows knitting together.
"Nobody knows that you guys know me. Only you, Jo, Ash, and the intern. I bet she ratted you out to Cas." Ellen nodded and then went to get me a beer.
"Where are Ash and Jo?" I asked as Ellen handed me the beer.
"I wanted them to be away from the almost certain fight that is gonna go down. I gave them the night off. I'm the only one here."
Just then the door flew open, revealing my fellow murderer.
Castiel was here.

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