8. Asleep In your Arms

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Dean's POV
I gazed upon the man lying on his back on top of the small bed, his shirt lying on the floor, soaked with blood. The jagged cut on his back had been stitched up with a bit of spare thread, and a bandaged covered it currently. I sat pensive, my eyebrows knitted together as I watched Cas' jagged breathing.
I heard a knock on the bedroom door and I got up to answer it. It Ellen with some whiskey and some pain killers. She came into the room and handed Dean the whiskey and medicine, before sitting down across the bed from Dean. "Has he woken up yet?" she asked, leaning back in the chair.
"No." Dean responded, his voice harsher than he had meant for it to be. He unscrewed the whiskey and poured some of it on the wound before taking a swig of it himself. He propped Cas up and gave him the pain killers with some water from the bedside table.
"Dean-" Ellen started, but she stopped herself. She sighed deeply, crossed her arms and stood up.
"Sam's coming by later today." She said, to which Dean grunted. Rolling her eyes, Ellen left Dean to his thoughts.
Dean closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He cleared his mind of all thoughts and hoped that this was a dream.

Sam's POV
I can't believe that I was doing this. Apparently my brother, a serial killer, was housing a fellow serial killer who had tried to kill his brother (the serial killer) but then had tried to apologize for trying to kill Dean, and now Dean was depressed because the man who had tried to kill him had just been attempted to be killed.
Probably by a serial killer.
To much killing in that. I had tried to be normal. I had bought an apartment. Started dating a guy. Gone to college.
But he was my brother.
Gabriel glanced over at me and noticed how tense I was, my hands clenched on the steering wheel, and grinding my teeth.
"Love," he whispered, his hand coming up to cradle my cheek, "you know the dentist said not to do that."
"The dentist also said you should stop eating so many lollipops," I replied, eyeing the stick protruding from his lips. He chuckled, and lowered his hand from my cheek to my back.
"Fair point." He said, before smiling and kissing me lightly.
"GABE!" I shouted as the car swerved. "I have to pay attention to the road you dumbass."
"Wow, you make me sound like a great big bag of dicks." He laughed, and leaned back.
"That's cos you are." I muttered grumpily.
"I love you too." He replied.

A few hours later we pulled into the Roadhouse, and Gabriel and I entered, hand in hand. Ellen led us to the back, where I saw my brother hunched over the bed, resting his head on his hands.
"Dean?" I asked as I entered the room.
Dean glanced over at me and smiled slightly before returning to rest his gaze on the bed.
I pulled a chair over next to him and sat down.
We sat in silence for a while. Maybe an hour. Maybe two.
Finally, I asked him "why do you care so much?"
My brother turned to look at me, tears threatening to spill, anger creeping its way up his face.
"I don't know."


Deans POV
I was at the bar, tilting the last of a glass of whiskey into my mouth when I heard Sam call out for me. I had left the room for some food and alcohol, leaving Sam to watch over Castiel.
"DEAN!" The Samsquatch yelled. Immediately I stood up and sprinted toward the room, running my hands through my hair along the way.
"Is he up?" I gasped as I threw the door open.
"Yeah." Sam replied. He stood up to leave. "I'll leave you two alone."
"Dean..." Cas said, his voice barely a whisper.
"Yeah Cas?" I said quickly, kneeling to bring my ear closer to his mouth.
"I think I love you."

Thank you guys so much for reading this! I hope you're enjoying the story. I'm so excited because I have 99 followers, more than I ever thought that I would get. I love you guys so much!

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