6. Not So Angry and Definitely Not Ready For Revenge

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Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I'm in a play so I haven't had much free time between rehearsals and learning lines. I play a sassy old Italian woman, which is really fun. The play's about to be over though, so I should be able to update more often.
(Cas' POV)
I woke up at 3:00 in the morning, which was lucky given that if I had slept later the locals would have found an insane serial killer bound and gagged at a shitty gas station. Which might have been a problem.
I slowly stood up, my head feeling like it might break apart if I moved too quickly. It was about 10 times worse than the worse hangover I had ever had.
So pretty damn bad.
I staggered off to the back of the gas station, searching for a jagged piece of metal I could use to cut off the ropes around my wrists. I found one fairly quickly and began to saw away at the bindings. Once I got my hands free is removed the rolled up cloth from my mouth and gingerly felt the large welt forming on the back of my head.
Having decided that it wasn't too bad I turned my attention to my leg. Not too terrible, but I would have to bandage it to keep it from getting infected. I limped back to the front of the store and picked the lock. I found some basic first aid and decided that it would have to do. Having patched myself up I grabbed some food and other supplies, along with all the cash in the register.
I limped over to the street, having heavily bandaged my face, (no one could recognize me.) A man was driving by and picked me up, probably out of pity. "Where to?" He asked, but my knife was already embedding itself into his chest.
I drove to a lake I knew was nearby and disposed of he body. Then I drove to a motel run by my good friend Balthazar. I knew that he was probably eating breakfast at the fast food restaurant across the street and waited for him to return.
He opened the door, saw my heavily bandaged face, and dragged me into the back room. "Cas?" He whispered urgently, pulling the bandages off. He saw that the bandages were just for a disguise and breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought the Winchester had killed you."
"Nah, I'm ok. All though I think I need stitches for my leg." I laughed, and winced as he removed the wrappings on my leg.
"Yeah, you will." He said, pursing his lips. He searched through his drawers, and retrieved a needle and thread. He stitched up the wound before standing up and leading me to a crappy table in the back. "So, what happened?" He asked, relaxing.
"Well, I almost killed him, then he was about to kill me but knocked me out instead." I said quickly. I needed to process what happened by myself.
"What, on accident?" Balthazar asked, squinting curiously.
"I guess so. I mean, he definitely meant to kill me. He must have thought I was finished." I said, although that wasn't what I seemed to remember.
Balthazar provided me with a room for the night and some fresh clothes. "You'll want to wash that dirty trench coat." He laughed, handing me a cheap suit. "I'll tell everyone that you're a banker whose wife just dumped him."
I gratefully took the clothes to the room and changed into them, after taking a much needed shower. I inspected the stitches, and was impressed, though not surprised. Balthazar wanted to be a doctor, but he couldn't afford schooling.
I limped my way to the bed, and fell asleep in my clothes. I woke up a few hours later, (12:00) and got out of the bed. The sun was high in the sky and I figured that I had maybe eight hours left before the sun descended beneath the horizon. I went to the stolen car and started it up. I was still deciding where to go when I pulled out of the parking lot.
Of course The Roadhouse seemed like a good place to start.
As I entered The Roadhouse I smirked slightly. This would surprise Dean for sure.
The chime of a bell announced my presence, and Dean, who seemed to be helping out as the bartender, turned around.
"We're clos- Castiel." He said, surprised, but still radiating calmness. He pulled a gun out from under the counter and slowly stepped towards me. "Why are you here?"
Why was I here?
What the hell was I doing.

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