12. Revelations

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Sam's POV
I quickly dialed my brother in the very specific way that let him know that something was wrong. What was I doing. Normal people didn't have a code! I just wanted to spend a lazy Sunday morning with my boyfriend, but instead I was being followed by some creeper.

However, for what was not the first time, nor probably the last, I was glad that Dean could track my phone.

The man came closer still, and a strangled scream was lost in my throat as he raised a metal bat. A pain arced through my skull, settling behind my eyes, and I blacked out.

When I awoke I was tied to a chair. A figure stood in the shadows, and by the curvy shape I guessed that it was a woman. Great. I had NO idea as to how to deal with girls, as I was neither attracted to them, nor one of them themselves. It was in these moments that I thought about the downsides of being gay.
"Good morning Sam." The woman said, her voice cold and sharp. "Well, it isn't actually the morning. It's the evening, but I suppose that doesn't matter much to you, as you will be unable to see the sun for a while, depending on how long it takes for the threat to be compromised. You will be the perfect bargaining chip I do believe." She stepped into the dim light that illuminated what I assumed to be an old warehouse.

I gave her my best bitch face and laughed.

"I haven't seen my brother in years. He doesn't care about me enough to risk his life." I had meant it to anger my captor, but the truth in my words caused my stomach to turn, and tears stung at my eyes.

The woman laughed, a cold, cruel laugh. "Oh, I have no doubt that he will come. But I suppose that you have no idea? Did you think that your brother enjoys killing people? Dean is a good man, he despises himself. He does it for you. His little brother." She strode closer, her hands lazily moving over a long, sharp, dagger. "Oh, Dean would do anything for little Sammy. Oh, you have been playing a part in your brothers profession since the beginning! Only the threat of your death was enough to make him kill. Water?" she offers me a glass, pressing it to my lips and tilting my head backwards, forcing the liquid to run down my throat.

I felt dizzy, my stomach churning. My vision began to dim, and as I felt myself passing out, I was unsure if it was the information that I had just acquired, or the drugs that the woman had placed in my water.

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