10. The Sky and the Stars

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Cas' POV

I woke up again the next day. I tried to call out for Dean but my voice was rough and quiet. I found some water on the bedside table and drained it quickly, and then stumbled to my feet.

As soon as I took my first step I collapsed on the floor. Though painful, the resulting thud did bring Sam running into the room.

"Castiel?" He asked, his eyebrows coming together for. Dean flew into the room.

"Cas!" He panted, bending over to put his hands on his knees while catching his breath. Having regained control of his lungs he rushed to my side and helped me back into the bed.

"I'm fine Dean, calm down." I murmured weakly.

"Oh... Yeah, I knew that." He said and then coughed. He looked down for a moment and I smirked.

Finally I decided to put him out of his misery and spoke up. "How bad is the wound?"

At this point Sam took over, giving Dean a rest. "You should be ok as long as it doesn't get infected. You were lucky, the knife somehow avoided your spine and organs. If I didn't know better, I'd say the person wasn't trying to kill you."

"No, she wouldn't." I muttered, my mind going a mile a minute. I was certain that it was her, but I hoped to God, Satan, and any other being that might be paying attention that it wasn't.

"Sorry, who?" Dean spoke up.

"Nothing." I responded. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It wouldn't do to think about her.

"I have to get out of this room." I whispered, desperate to change the subject. Plus, I was tired of being cooped up in here.

"Cas, you're still weak. You should re-" he began but I interrupted him.

"Please?" I asked, my best puppy eyes coming in to play. I REALLY wanted to be alone with Dean. He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth, thinking, and my heart missed a beat. "Bobby has an old wheelchair. It should be in the back." He said finally, and he rose. A thought sprung into my mind, and I chuckled to myself. I hate to see him go but I love to watch him leave.

Dean's POV

With Cas securely in the passenger seat, and the wheelchair tucked up in the back, I brought the impala away from the Roadhouse, mirroring my actions from yesterday.

"Where are we going?" Cas asked, and I smiled sadly, trying not to worry about how faint his words were.

"Now angel, I couldn't just tell you could I?" I joked, my arm finding its way around the other man's shoulders.

"Why not?" He whined, and I nearly fainted. He was so god damn cute sometimes.

"It would take all the fun out of it." I explained, my gaze lingering on Cas' eyes.

I drove on.

Cas' POV

Dean pulled into a field, and he parked the impala. He got out of the car and disappeared, coming back into my view a few moments later carrying a blanket and pushing a wheelchair. He carefully helped me into the latter, and then draped the blanket over me.

He pushed me into the middle of the field, and then spread the blanket out on the grass. He helped to lower me onto it, his muscles bulging and becoming more prominent.

As I lied, spread out in a field, a gorgeous man sprawled next to me, I smiled. Dean grinned back at me and started tracing circles into my palm

"You know what made me fall for you first?" Dean said suddenly, his voice cracking the silence of the night.

"You're eyes. They're like angel's eyes. Star eyes." He crooned, and I kissed el his cheek. "My angel."

I liked that. All my life I had felt like a demon.

It was nice to be an angel for once.

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