Experiment! AU Things

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● If Duck eats too much human food, his body will react to it, so he has to have a balance between human and fish food

● Alf often wakes up in the middle of the night numerous times, just to make sure Kay is there

● Once they got returned, they had a hard time readjusting, and were constantly stared at

● Kay has a comfort teddy that he leaves in his bedroom so he knows where it is

● If Maxie hosts the body and goes to sleep, she'll cuddle herself thinking she's also cuddling Genie

● Genie writes poems for Maxie to read when she hosts

● Alf can climb on walls, but doesn't like doing it

When released, Duck was put into the WaterLand pool and plays peekaboo with the railers

When Maxie hosts, she'll make herself hold hands, thinking that she's holding Genies hand

● Kay often gets placed in a pen to prevent him walking into stuff, unless someone's (mainly Alf) is with him, then he gets taken out and goes for a walk with them

● Ducks tail is quite sensitive

● Alf has broken a few of his arms from learning to climb on walls

● Genie has a habit of making sure everything is neat, until Maxie hosts and makes everything a mess

● Kay loves cuddles, and will refuse to let Alf leave the bed until he gets cuddles

● Maxie will often draw on Kays bandage and plasters

● Selly learned how to swim so she could play with Duck

● Alf enjoys taking Kay on walks and watching him enjoy himself

● When Maxie is asleep, Genie mutters to herself her feelings for her

When given something new, Kay will chew on it to see if it's safe

● Whenever Duck loses a scale, he gives it to Selly, who makes jewellery out of them

● Alf likes to hog the entire bed, so Kay has to squeeze in if he wants cuddles

● If Maxie is given a kazoo, she will not stop playing it, nor take it out of her mouth

● Genie has to write notes to tell Maxie (and everyone else) what not to touch or do

● Kay can only tell everyone apart from the shampoo they use (they all use a specific type)

It took Duck about 3 weeks to adjust to being in water constantly

● Alf braids Kays hair and put it in different styles

● If cooking, Genie hosts for the making/baking, and Maxie hosts for decorating it

● Kay often gets tickled by Alf, and sometimes Kay ends up slapping him on accident, which puts Kay in apologetic mode

● Duck has a delayed reaction for pain

● Genie has to get Selly to help her braid her hair because Maxie doesn't like the other styles (except for ponytails, but she has to have certain ribbons in it)

● Kay gets quite picky when it comes down to food, so he often gets the same things, unlike the others who will try new things

● Alf has several pictures on his phone of him and Kay having fun, and he'll describe what they're doing in each picture to Kay so he can picture it

● Despite Ducks scales looking hard, they're actually quite soft

● Whenever Genie tries running herself a bath, Maxie ends up hosting and makes it either too hot or too cold, and always adds bubbles, so Genie just lets her have the bath

● Kays gag reflex comes and goes but no one but Maxie knew that, so when they were seeing how much of the ice lolly they could take before they gag, they all stared at Kay when he didn't gag

● Alf likes to lie outside at night with Kay and stare at the stars

● Duck has to be in water that's between certain temperatures

● GenMax has had to be restitched several times

● When it snows, Kay and Maxie are outside building snowmen and snow angels

● Alf often teases Duck and Genie about their crushes

● Kay doesn't eat a lot, so Alf has to trick him into eating at least half his meal

● Maxie and Genie spend the morning trying to figure out what they're gonna have for dinner since they have different tastes

● Duck occasionally forgets he can breath underwater, which gives the others a good laugh

● Kay and Alf will sometimes sing together

● Maxie and Kay sometimes fall asleep together, so Alf has to carry them to their rooms if Genie doesn't end up hosting and waking up

● The only time Duck will let anyone touch his tail is when it's getting cleaned because he can't do it himself

● Alf has an entire album on his phone dedicated to photos of him and Kay (before and after)

● Maxie and Genie often go on one of their phones and looks at pictures of what they used to look like

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