Ch.16: The Heir

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The group arrived outside of the Chamber where they took Lockhart and Ginny to the hospital. Afterwards, the trio headed to Dumbledore's office to inform the Headmaster of the events. When McGonagall lead them to the Griffin statue entrance, she smiled when her eyes landed on Y/n who bore the Hat as well as the sword. Entering Dumbledore's office, they found the Headmaster sitting near his desk. The trio did there best to explain the events of the night prior.

"You three realize, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules." Dumbledore said. "Yes sir." The three hung their heads. "And their is sufficient evidence to have you three expelled." "Yes sir." "Therefore it is only fitting that you both receive special awards from the services of to ghe school." Dumbledore said with a smile. The three looked at each other with glee. "Thanks sir." Ron said. "And now Mr. Weasley, if you would have an owl deliver these papers to Azkaban. U believe we want our gamekeeper back." Dumbledore hands Ron a letter which he took and left.

"Harry. Y/n. First I would like to thank you. You have must've shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that could've called Fawkes to you. And second, I sense something troubling you. Both of you. Am I right?" Y/n looked at Harry, gesturing him to go first. "You see sir, I couldn't help but notice certain things. Certain similarities between Tom Riddle and me." "I see. Well try can speak Parseltounge Harry. Why? Because Lord can speak Parseltounge. If I'm not mistaken, Harry, he transferred some of his powers to you the night he gave you that scar." "Voldemort transferred some of his powers to me?" "Uh huh. Not intentionally. But yes." "So the Sorting Hat was right. I should be in Slytherin." "Its true Harry. You possess many qualities that Voldemort himself prizes. Determination, resourcefulness, and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules. Why then did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor?" "Because I asked it to." "Exactly Harry. Which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities to show what we truly are, it is our choices. If you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor then I suggest you look more closely at the sword. Mr. L/n if you wouldn't mind."

Y/n lifted the sword for both boys to see. "Godric Gryffindor." Harry read the name engraved on the blade. "Ah. It would take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the Hat." "That's what I wanted to ask Professor." Y/n said. "For many weeks now I've had a dream where I played the role of Godric Gryffindor and I fight Salazar Slytherin. I had thoughts of what that dream could mean, but all I could think of is it being a warning for the future." "You've had these dreams before fighting Tom yes?" Y/n nodded. "Then that is what it indeed must be. Since the moment I first met you Y/n, I've noticed certain qualities that you possess along with a certain founder of this school. Tell me, what exactly happened when you first took hold of that sword?" "The rubies began to glow. Like my wand does." "Hm. That would have happened because the sword felt familiarized to its wielder. That wand of yours is modeled almost exactly like the Sword of Gryffindor, magical properties and all. When Mr. Ollivander informed me that the wand had chosen its wizard, I had no doubt that it would be you who would reunited with your sword." "My sword sir?" "Astra has made me aware of certain situations she found herself in. With her permission, she allowed me to disclose that you, Y/n L/n, are the rightful heir of Godric Gryffindor." Harry turned to Y/n with a smile. "What?" Y/n asked in silence.

"He's right you know." The Sorting Hat began. "That night when I sorted you into Gryffindor, I too felt myself familiarized with you boy. Someone I knew many lifetimes ago. A person I knew as a friend. I couldn't believe that it was you. Until the Troll incident and after Quirrell did I realize, my master had returned." "I'm the heir of Godric?"

The door to the office suddenly burst and I came a Lucius who was furious. Behind the blonde was a House Elf who looked frightened. "Dobby!" Harry called. "So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys." Dobby nodded with a flinch. "I'll deal with you later." Lucius hissed. With his cane, he pushed Harry aside. "Out of my way Potter. So it's true. You have returned." Lucius turned to Y/n, his eyes widened as he noticed what the boy was wearing at holding. "When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the Chamber, the saw fit to summon me back." Dumbledore said. "Ridiculous." Lucius shook his head. "Curiously, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their family if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place." "How dare you?" "Beg your pardon." "My concern has and always will be the welfare of this school. And of course, it's students." Lucius glared at Harry. "The culprit has been identified I presume." "Oh yes." "And? Who was it?" "Voldemort." "Ah." "Only this time he chose to act through somebody else. By means of this." Dumbledore held up the diary. "I see."

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