Bath time Omega Daryl x Alpha Rick

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Daryl smiled as he filled up the bathtub, he began to fill it with a few bubbles and after searching for hours on Pinterest on a board called Omega Moms he found a fun thing for his little alpha to do.

He found a rainbow light that worked under water, some glow sticks, and some glow in the dark bath tub markers.

"Carl!" He yelled.

The little alpha of five years old came running. His eyes got big as he watched the lights in the bathroom turn off and the bathtub glow.

"Whoa!" Carl quickly got himself undressed after Daryl helped him with his shirt buttons. "Thanks mommy!"

Daryl smiled helping him into the tub. This was a god damn win, the pup hadn't wanted to take a bath for weeks. He managed to fight him into a bath every few days but this, this worked. He got in all on his own.

"Here's these, you can draw on the tub."

Carl smiled big taking the glow in the dark tub markers. "Call daddy in! He shoulds sees this!"

"Alright little man. Rick!"

Carl was busy drawing on the bath tub wall when Rick came running in thinking something was wrong only to walk into a bathroom Rave.

"He got in the bath on his own this time." Daryl chimed triumphantly. "I did that."

"It looks like fun." Rick smirked as their five year old child giggled.


"Aww honey," Daryl smiled big seeing the child drawing of the three of them in glow in the dark. "It looks lovely."

"That's you and daddy and me!" Carl chirped. "Bathtimes fun!"

"I told you I could get him to like baths." Daryl smiled. "Next bath time is going to be a pirate adventure."


"He's five it works like a charm." Daryl smiled handing Rick his phone. He had a Pinterest board purely for fun bath ideas to get their child to actually bathe.

Rick scrolled through it with a bit of a laugh.

"Daddy lookie!" Carl picked up some of the glow sticks and tossed them up. "So fun!"

"You like baths now?" Rick asked as he sat beside the tub.

"Yeah! All the time!"

"Perfect." Rick smirked kissing Daryl's forehead. "You did good momma."

Daryl blushed.

He was glad he could make his alpha proud, and his little alpha happy. He hated when he cried and squealed trying to bathe him, he was determined to make it more fun for their puppy.

Daryl leaned back as he got another kiss from Rick before he left to finish the paper work he had started.

"So when you want a bath or need one you'll start taking them?"

"Yes mommy!" Carl smiled happily.

Daryl sighed in relief, thank god for crafty moms and the internet.

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