Fish - Negan/Daryl/Rick

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"Why are we doing this?" Daryl asked as he watched the fish in the pet store. "They'll die in like four days."

"No, I know how to take care of fish." Rick said. "Had a ton when I was little. Think it would be good for them to have some responsibilities."

"Fine.. fine.. I like that one." Daryl said pointing out a small black fish with a red tail. "What is it?"

"A small shark."

"That things a shark??" Daryl's brow furrowed, confusion wafted off his body. "No fucking way you're a liar."

"Yes way love, it's a red-tailed black shark." Rick said chuckling. "The kids are gonna love it."

"Is Negan okay with fish?" Daryl asked as he held his belly. He was pregnant with their third child at the moment. "Like actually okay?"

"Judith and Carl gave him puppy dog eyes of course he is."

Daryl chuckled and nodded. "Alright alright."

"Already have the tank set up in the living room." Rick beamed.

"When did you do that?"

"While you and the pups were at Merle's." Rick replied.

"I guess that makes sense." Daryl said mapping out their day, they went to Merle's for a few hours and then Negan picked the pups up to take them to baseball and karate practice while Rick picked him up to take him out shopping for their coming pup and to run errands. "So fish.."


"Alright, what about a turtle?"

"Those things live longer than I will." The alpha chuckled while Daryl circled his belly with his finger tips. "So if you wanna keep taking care of it after the pups move out then sure."

Daryl scowled. "Nope, nope I don't think so."

Rick chuckled as they picked out fish that would work well together and then headed on their way home. Daryl helped Rick place the bags in the tank so they got used to the water temperature. They had a 60 gallon tank. Daryl looked over the tank set up, small pebbles at the bottom, a few hides and plants, a large log for the fish to swim in and out of he smiled, it honestly did look really nice. "You did a really good job on it."

"Thanks honey," Rick smiled. He watched the tetras and sparkling gourami carefully, he smiled excited to see their tank have a life of its own. "Not huge but its a good start."

"This is small?" Daryl asked watching the fish.

"Yeah, when I was little dad and I had a 200 gallon tank. There are bigger too."

Daryl eyed him. "So you had an aquarium."

"Eh sorta." Rick smirked. "You like it Dare?"

"Yes, I am also sure the pups will enjoy it. As long as they take care of the fish that's all I care about, when pup comes I'm not gonna be able to help as much. It's why I'm glad you didn't tell them we could get a dog."

Rick smirked setting his hand on Daryl's belly their pup wiggling inside ready to come out in a few months. "They'll help, Negan and I will remind them."

Daryl smiled and sat down after kissing Rick quick. The pups got home about an hour later, they had move the fish into the tank fully, Daryl was busy cooking dinner. Judith and Carl ran to the fish tank in excitement. "Fish!"

"Yes Judy," Rick smiled picking her up. "Now you both have to help take care of the fish. Mommy won't be able to help when your little sister or brother comes alright. So you both have to remind pop or I that they need to be fed, and you have to help with water changes and if there are any little fry you'll have to help take care of them too."

"Yes daddy," the little alphas smiled excited. Daryl smiled watching his family from the kitchen door, Negan smiled coming up to him and giving him a kiss before dropping down to his knees and kissing his belly.

"How's our little fish hmm?"

"Our puppy is doing fine love," Daryl chuckled. "Ain't no damn mermaid."

Negan laughed at the comment. "Would be special like their mommy if they were."

"If they're omega they will be special enough but I hope it follows it's siblings and is an alpha." Daryl said rubbing his belly. "We have fish now."

"Yes we do, but Ricky likes them and knows how to actually take care of them and well the pups seem excited and that is honestly good enough for me. I could care less as long as they're happy and the fish don't die."

Daryl smiled as he helped him with dinner, the pups were enthralled with their new fish, Judith had named each fish already giving them full names with nicknames. Carl had taken tons of photos to send to his friends, and Rick was busy explaining how to properly take care of them with water changes, checking the temperature, feeding them.

Daryl was just thankful he had kept his kids alive for as long as he had, he didn't know if fish were really the next step here but the pups were happy and he was okay with that. He loved seeing them smile and loved watching them excited about things.

The family sat together eating and enjoying their new fish, it was across from the dining table so they could watch them while they ate or did school work or whatever else. Daryl watched them curiously, he neve understood the appeal of fish but they seemed fine enough. His mates and pups seemed to like them well enough so it was fine with him.

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