Maybe I've Found The One?

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The next day..

I wake up then head straight to my shower. I don't understand but I just can't keep Ayane out of my head. It's been a long time since I've fell in love with someone like this. Too bad I'm too afraid to socialize with people so I don't think I'll ever be able to have someone like her.. She's cheerful, friendly with everyone and already kind of popular. I still can't believe what happened last night though


I was just watching some Netflix then suddenly, I got a text message

[Unknown Number]: Hey there! Is this Nick-kun?

[Nick]: Uh who this?

[Unknown Number]: Oh sorry forgot to introduced myself lol. It's Ayane.. from class?

[Nick]: Oh Ayane! Where did u get my number??

[Ayane]: Oh I was trying to get everyone's number in class but when I wanna ask u, u were already gone

[Nick]: Oh yeah sorry

[Ayane]: It's alright! Well then, see u at school! Good night Nick-kun!

[Nick]: Night Ayane

Flashback Ends

Now that we have each other's number, we can chat more. Oh what am I thinking.. Like I can ever start a conversation and I know she won't text me too. Let's just get this day over with. I eat my pancake, say goodbye to my mom and dad then head to school.

At School..

Sakuta: Yo Nick! How was your sleep man.. Damn teacher gave so much homework yesterday

Nick: Huh I managed to finish them at lunch

Kiyotaka: What the heck man.. sighs.. Did you had lunch alone again?

Ayane: Wait Nick-kun is having lunch alone??

Nick, Sakuta and Kiyotaka: WHAAAA!!

Ayane: Oh sorry if I scared you guys hehe

Kiyotaka: It's alright and yeah he usually likes to sneak off to his usual spot and have lunch alone

Ayane: Aw that's not good.. Well how about if I have lunch with you today?

Nick: Really? How about your friends?

Ayane: Oh hehe they'll understand

Sakuta: Sob.. sob.. our Nick is finally on a date

I punch Sakuta's arm

Sakuta: Ouch man that hurts hahaha

Ayane: Well see you at lunch ~

I wonder how could someone be so friendly with a boy like me.. We head straight to class right away since it's almost starting. After a few minutes, the teacher walks in

Teacher: Alright class. Today you'll be doing this activity in pairs so choose your partners right now. I'll write the instructions on the board and please don't be so loud while doing this. 

I'm never a fan of groupworks. Let alone pair works because usually I team up with Sakuta and Kiyotaka. I felt my world about to crumble.. Too dramatic? Yeah I know. Suddenly, someone tap my shoulder

Ayane: I'm not that close with anyone yet so I don't have a partner. Wanna partner up? I see that Sakuta-kun and Kiyotaka-kun aren't available as well

Nick: Um.. yeah sure..

Ayane: Great! I'll move my chair here and we'll use your desk- Oh god that's so rude of me! Do you wanna use mine?

Nick: O-Oh no it's alright we can use mine

Ayane: Great!

Oh god her smile is so beautiful

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Oh god her smile is so beautiful... I just wish that I can stay in this moment forever but sadly no. Ayane and I discussed about the work for a bit then we started doing it. It was quite simple to be honest. We managed to finish it earlier than expected

Ayane: That was quite fast actually

Nick: Yeah it was not too hard

Ayane: Well we have like some time left before we hand this in. Wanna chat for a bit?

Nick: Yeah sure

Ayane: Well for starters.. do you have any hobbies?

Nick: Oh hm.. I like drawing, singing and watching tv shows probably

Ayane: Oh! What show is your favourite?

Nick: Well.. I have so many to be honest haha but if I wanna name one.. it'll probably be Daredevil. I just love the fight scenes and the story

Ayane: I've heard of that show before! Isn't it about this blind vigilante or something?

Nick: Yup I really recommend it

Ayane: I'll be sure to watch it! But wait.. wait.. YOU SING??

Teacher: Guys quiet down

Nick: Sorry. Yeah I enjoy to sing sometimes.. please don't tell anyone..

Ayane: Your secret's safe with me hehe. Well for me, I enjoy cooking, reading some books and sometimes watching tv shows too. That's all I can think of though

Nick: Wow yeah that's good

We chat for a while then we handed our work in. I'm not sure why but when I chatted with Ayane just now, I didn't feel nervous nor stutter for a bit. It's like she knows how to make me feel calm. Maybe I've found the one? After a few classes pass, it's finally lunch. Ayane told me to meet her at some spot. I was on my way until I was stopped by someone. Her name's Sakura Nakano. We've been friends for a while but she's from another class so we usually just hang out after school or during lunch.

Nakano: Hey there Takahashi-kun! Looking good as always. Wanna have lunch with some of my friends?

Nick: You know I'm not good with people. Besides, I'm having lunch with a friend today

Nakano: Oh with Azusagawa-kun or Ayanokoji-kun?

Nick: Nope another friend

Nakano: HUH??? That's unusual.. Is it a girl? ~

Nick: W-What that's none of your business!

Nakano: Oh hehe so I am right. Well, enjoy your date! ~

She loves to tease me. I then make my way to the spot we were supposed to meet

Ayane: Nick-kun over here!

I could already feel some boys glare at me from the back

Nick: Hey there

Ayane: Hi! What did you bring?

Nick: Oh I just packed some sandwiches like always. You?

Ayane: My mom packed some sushi but it's so many... Hmm wanna have some? I can't finish it all and I don't like wasting food hehe

Nick: Oh w-well if you insist

We ate and talked for a bit. Some girls passed by to say hi to Ayane and I could even hear some people mistaking us as a couple. Oh what a world we live in. After a while, we head back to class. Today has been quite great.

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