Don't Leave Me

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At the hospital

I was sitting there patiently outside of Ayane's room, waiting for the doctor's result

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I was sitting there patiently outside of Ayane's room, waiting for the doctor's result. Please Ayane.. Please don't leave me. Then the doctor approached me.

Nick: Doctor! How.. How's she?

Doctor: I don't know how to say this, sir... I'm sorry but.. I'm afraid she didn't make through it..

Nick: W-What?... No.. You must be wrong! Check again! This is all a joke!

Doctor: Please, sir calm down.. I know it's hard..

Ayane.. why? You can't do this! Ayane!

I suddenly woke up. I looked around frantically searching for Ayane. She was there, still lying in her bed. Thank god it was just a nightmare.. I can't bear the thought of losing her for real. She hasn't woken up yet. I called her parents just now and they said they'll come here as soon as they can. Ayane, please stay with me..

Soon after that, her parents came. Her mother rushed over to Ayane and hugged her tightly while crying. Her father approached me with a sad face.

Mr. Horikita: Hey, you're Takahashi, right?

Nick: Y-Yes.. sir..

Mr. Horikita: It's good to finally meet you.. Unfortunately under this circumstance though. Ayane talked a lot about you, Takahashi. Ever since she met you, we noticed that she's been a lot more happier than usual. We're always busy with work so we don't get to spend much time.. So thank you, Takahashi.. For taking care of our Ayane.. For making her happy..

Nick: I-It's no problem, sir.. I love her..

Mr. Horikita: I know you do, Takahashi.. And I thank you for that also..

Mrs. Horikita: Takahashi-kun.. what did the doctor said about her condition?..

Nick: He said that.. Ayane has a chance of living.. But her injury is critical.. So it's best to just keep prayi-

I couldn't hold it in. Tears started to fall then I dropped down and burst into tears.. Her mother held me..

Mrs. Horikita: Shh.. It's alright, Takahashi-kun.. I know you love her very much. We all do.. All we can do now is keep praying for Ayane's life.. I-It's what she would've wanted..

We sat there and talked for what seems like hours. 

It's been a few days now. She's still not awake yet. I told Sakuta and the others about the news and soon after hearing it, they all came rushing here to the hospital.

Sakuta: Nick! Oh I'm so sorry.. 

Nakano: I'm very sorry, Takahashi-kun.. I know Horikita-san will make it.. She's strong..

Nakajima: She'll make it, Takahashi-kun.. Just keep praying for her..

Kiyotaka: I'm so sorry, man.. Here.. We managed to write some notes from the classes you two have missed.. We'll keep sending you notes until her full recovery...

Nick: Thank you so much guys... I know Ayane's very happy you guys made it.. Hey, Ayane.. Everyone's here.. Please wake up...

After we talked for a while, they left. Not long after that, Ayane's parents walked in with my parents. I told my parents about the news not too long ago since they were worried about my whereabouts. I guess I forgot to tell them because of all of this. They bought some food for us to eat. 

Mr. Horikita: Takahashi.. You haven't gone home yet.. Take a shower to freshen up. You haven't left her side ever since that day..

Nick's father: Yes, son.. Go home.. Then you can come back here..

Nick: I-If you say so..

Nick: Ayane.. I'll be going home to take a shower for a bit, okay? I promise I'll be back as soon as I can..

I then left the hospital with my mother. I haven't left the hospital in days. All those days I spent praying that Ayane would wake up while staying by her side.. It took us a while to get home since the hospital's a bit far from our house but eventually we arrived. I took a shower and changed to some fresh new clothes. After that, we left to go to the hospital again.

In the car, while driving to the hospital, my mother talked to me.

Nick's mother: I can see that she is very special to you, Nick. Hm why haven't you told us about her?

Nick: I-I was shy.. I was afraid you guys wouldn't be happy about it..

Nick's mother: Nick.. If you really love her.. We wouldn't stop you either way. It's your choice and we really respect it. The girl seems cute and I'm sure she's very lovely.. That's why you chose her, right? You two are perfect, my cute boy..

My mom chuckled. She really likes to tease me. 

Nick's mother: Do you mind sharing why you chose her, though?

Nick: Well.. Just like you said, she's very cute and lovely.. But she also helped me. You know I'm an introvert, right? Well she helped me be more social with others. She gave me more confidence in myself.. That's.. That's why I chose her..

Nick's mother: Aw that's very sweet, Nick.

We spent the rest of the car ride talking about Ayane. Then, we arrived at the hospital. I rushed straight to her room. It looks like she's still out. Not long after that, my parents and Ayane's parents left because they have work later. They said they'll bring more food for me. They asked me to just go home and take a rest but I refused. I refuse to leave Ayane's side. She's always been there for me and now I want to do the same.

A lot of our classmates and even people from other class came to visit these past few days. It is because of Nakano and Nakajima spreading the news to their classmates. Sakuta and Kiyotaka visited everyday to bring notes and tried to cheer me up. They even brought some comic books for me to take my mind off but I couldn't.. I'm always worried for Ayane. 

Nick: Look Ayane, our friends are here.. Please wake up.. They'd be happy to see you awake..

I prayed everyday for her to wake up but she's still unconscious. Please Ayane.. Don't you dare leave me all alone.. I want to be with you, forever.. There's no one else that can replace you..

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