Is It Ayane?

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It's been a few weeks now. Ayane still hasn't woke up yet. I'm starting to lose hope.. No! I can't give up on Ayane now. She has never given up on me all this time, always stayed by my side, looking out for me and I'll do the same! I wont give up on you, Ayane. 

Sakuta and the others walked in. He and Kiyotaka gave me some notes and explains them while Nakano and Nakajima are setting up the table. They brought some food for us to eat together. After they finished explaining the notes to me, we ate together.

Sakuta: How are you feeling right now?

Nick: I.. I still have hope for her..

Nakano: All of us feel the same.. Horikita-san is very strong. I know she will make through it..

Kiyotaka: That's true.. She'll wake up soon..

Nakajima: Remember if you ever need anything from us.. Don't hesitate to ask.. We'll all be here for you..

I'm very lucky to have these people as my friends.

Nick: Thank you, guys.. I really.. Really appreciate it.. I'm sure Ayane feels the same too..

Tomorrow's Saturday so they decided to sleep over here to accompany me. I can't say no to that, I want Ayane to wake up to the sight of her friends so she'll be happy. Plus, this place sometimes gives me the creeps at night, it's a hospital after all. Lots of death occurs here and also the mournings of their loved ones.

They all went home to take their stuffs and returned here not long after that. We managed to fit some futons in here suprisingly. Some of us are using the futons to sleep while Sakuta insisted to use just a sleeping bag. It's actually mine and I said that I can just use it but Sakuta said I deserve a nice and comfortable sleep after all I've went through.

We spent the night talking and just watching some movies on Nakano's laptop. The wi-fi here is so slow so she uses her own mobile data since it's faster. We even played some board games together Nakajima-san brought. She brought a lot of board games because she really enjoy playing them. After a while, we got tired. Hm Ayane is still not awake yet. Then we went to sleep. Goodnight, Ayane.

It's the morning after, we all woke up kind of one by one. Sakuta said he'll buy some food for breakfast. I decided to follow him so I can smell fresh air for a while.

Sakuta: Where do you want to get food?

Nick: There's not really that many stores open in this hour.. I guess we can check the fast food restaurant nearby. I heard they also serve breakfast sets until like 12 pm, I think.

Sakuta: Great! Let's go there

(It's Mcdymaids in this one, deal with it)

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(It's Mcdymaids in this one, deal with it)

We arrived at the fast food restaurant. Thank god there weren't that many people in here at this hour. It's still kind of early in the morning to be honest. We ordered some food to take away. After waiting, our food is ready. We head straight back to the hospital. On the way, Sakuta talked to me.

Sakuta: Hey man. It's really good you've taken care of Ayane all this time, you stayed by her side ever since the day you two got here. You don't really see people do that nowadays. You're a really good boyfriend, dude.

Nick: Thanks man... I keep praying everyday, hoping that she would wake up. When she wakes up, I want her to see the people she loves waiting for her..

Sakuta: That's really sweet, Nick. I know she'd be very happy. She's one lucky girl to have you as her partner heh.

At the hospital

We started eating our food. It's not that bad, I expected worse. We talked and eat for a while. They said that they'll stay here all weekend to accompany me. I won't lie, I enjoy some company.

Suddenly, I heard someone called out my name. It's very faint, I think no one else heard it. Is it a ghost?!! Ah no it can't be. Don't think about those stuff, Nick. You'll probably regret it. Then, I heard it again. We all went silent.. I guess all of us heard it too.

Kiyotaka: Is it a spirit??!!

Sakuta: Shut up, stupid. We'll be staying here all weekend so don't think like that. You'll just be more paranoid.

Nakajima: Nick-kun.. Is it Horikita?

Is it Ayane? I have to check this out. We all approached Ayane then we heard it.

Ayane: Nick-kun.. Is.. That.. You?..

She said weakily.. She's awake!! 

Nick: Ayane! I've missed you so much!

I said that as I hugged her. Tears started to fall down again.

Nick: All of our friends are here, Ayane... We've all missed you..

Ayane: ..G-Guys?..

All of them: Hello!

Ayane tried to get up but she's still too weak to move much.

Nick: Don't try to move much, Ayane. You're still weak.. Just rest. We wont be going anywhere.. We'll stay here near you.

Ayane: Thank.. You.. Guys..

She reached for my hand then held it.

Ayane: I've.. Missed.. You...

Nick: I've missed you too, Ayane..

I called her parents then they rushed here straight away. Ayane made it.. She finally made it..

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