Chapter 1 ( 1st life )

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Timeline first life after Gallahan's death

( Tia's 11 )

Thinking  = ( )

Talking =  " "

Florentia POV:

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Florentia POV:

I was walking around the house bored when I spotted a h/c  maid walking around ( i have never seen her before ) I think, I look closer and realise I'd been spotted staring at her, I panic and look away as fast as I could. 

Before I could look back in her direction I hear a sweet voice say 

" Hi my name is y/n I'm new here what's your name" she said.  

" oh hello it's nice to meet you my name is Florentia Lombardi " I stutter quietly. 

" well isn't that a pretty name " she says with a soft voice.

I finally look up again to be met with beautiful e/c eyes and a warming smile. 

( This is what it looked like )

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( This is what it looked like )

" I do believe I'm your new personal maid ms Florentia " she smiled. 

" My own personal maid,"  I say amazed ( I think this is the first time I've gotten a personal maid) 

" haha yes ms Florentia your own personal maid".

- 3-year time gap ( Tia 14 )

" Tia are you in here darling " I heard the voice of y/n ring through the library 

 " yes mom " 

I started calling her that last year after the people in my house started ignoring me and forgetting me, she stayed by my side and was always there to help and care for me after a while it just felt right to start calling her my mother.

she came up beside me and placed down a tray of tea and cakes.

 " oh thank you mother, my favourites" I said

  " of course anything for my smart little Tia, what are you reading now " she replied, 

" oh I'm just learning about accounting and stuff I can use to help the family ".

" oh, sweety I wish more than anything that you were chosen to run your family instead of those idiot cousins of yours"  she stated with a huff.  

" you could have led this family to greatness and success instead those bullies are going to run it into the ground " 

Oh, I wish I had listened to her words and tried to prevent what would happen next because as if she was a fortune teller when I grew older and started helping my grandpa I realised just what those dumbos were doing to the family money and land.   

As I got older my mum stayed the same she was there for me no matter what and helped me with whatever she could. I love her most in this world I just wish she could have met my dad they would have gotten along so well, I really miss him most time but she helps ease the pain of it all.

Until one day I was trying to convince my cousin to stop gambling when suddenly he raised his hand to hit me i flinched and turned my head in anticipation but the pain never came, i still heard a slapping sound though. 

I looked up and spotted my mother standing in front of me with a red cheek and the shocked look on my cousin's face. Before anyone could register what had happened I saw my mom swing her fist with mighty strength a sock my cousin in the jaw, he fell to the fall in pain with tears in his eyes 

"B-bellesac..."  my other wimp of relative stuttered before he could speak again he was whiplashed by a strong kick to the stomach and joined Bellesac on the dirty floor.  

" Did you just try and touch my precious daughter with your filthy hand " 

Gallahan x reader  ill be the matriarch in this lifeWhere stories live. Discover now