Chapter 13 ( Meeting the teacher )

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Y/n pov -

The next day

We went through the normal morning routine and i got Tia ready for her second day, but today i decided to walk her to class so i could keep her company.

 On the way there we were just talking about some of our likes and dislikes till we got there.

i was about to open the door when it was suddenly opened before i could even touch the handle, i looked up to see who did it and i saw a tall man with long pretty blonde hair , glasses and beautiful clear blue eyes.  oh god he was good-looking.

it took me a while to realize i was staring at him so i quickly look away and apologized.

" Oh sorry,  i don't think we've met before um my name is y/n im lady Tia's personal maid,"  i said with a smile.

" Well its a pleasure to meet you miss y/n im clerivan, lady Tia's teacher"

" oh yes well from what I've heard you are a very good teacher," i said with a smirk looking in Tia's direction i saw her with a cute little blush on her cheeks.

" is that so well i think Tia is a great student" 

" Well im sorry but i only came to drop Tia off so i have to go but it was good meeting you" i left but i could still hear in the background. 

"bye "

i started making my way back well looking around because i still wasn't sure where everything was.

I went past a room i hadn't seen before and the door was open so i decided to go exploring because why not right.

The door pushed open with a creek and i heard some sort of what sounded like snoring?

i peered in and saw Gallahan asleep on some table, i think I've found his office.

i chose to leave and let him sleep but as i was leaving I heard him mumble in his sleep

" y/n....... dont go....."

i turned back around surprised. 

Gallahan x reader  ill be the matriarch in this lifeWhere stories live. Discover now