Chapter 12 ( Doctors appointment )

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When we got to the doctor's office Tia seemed really happy and excited for some reason. We walked in and I saw the doctor and his apprentice talking.

" Hello doctor O'Malley "  Gallahan talked with a smile.

Doctor O'Malley started talking with him about stuff then he introduced his apprentice as Estria. She said hello but before Gallahan could reply tia run off towards her.

" dad I want her to examine me," tia said while grabbing onto her lab coat. Well Gallahan was trying to tell her it would be best if it was the doctor that would do it I leaned in and whispered into his ear,

" maybe it's best if we let Estria do it, Lady tia seems to have her mind set on her " he sighed and nodded " fine I guess that would be ok ".

I smiled and winked at tia.

The whole time Estria was examining her tia was talking and kept asking her questions ( IT WAS SO CUTEEEEE ). Once she was finished the doctor gave tia a bottle of a weird green-looking liquid, Gallahan bribed tia with cookies

I giggled at the face she made when she chugged it down. " good job sweetie, that looked like it tasted bad."  

Instead of eating the cookies, she gave them to the doctors for helping her ( awwwwwww ).

We decided to go on a walk outside once we were done, tia was in Gallahan's arms and I was standing next to him.

Suddenly out of know where a carriage came speeding by and nearly knocked me over but Gallahan grabbed my hand just in time and pulled me towards him. 

I fell onto his chest but he was strong enough not to fall over.

" o-oh, thank you"

" wow that was a close call," he said without letting me or my hand go.  

" y-ya what kind of crazy person was driving that "

I got off of him but I didn't really want to let his hand go so I just intertwined my fingers with his.

I looked away with a blush on my face expecting him to let go, but he never did. I turned back around and looked at him he had red on his checks but he kept looking forward.

I smiled to myself and kept walking. 

Gallahan x reader  ill be the matriarch in this lifeWhere stories live. Discover now