Chapter 9 ( The catch )

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As Tia is in class i decide to start cleaning her room, when i was finished i left to make Tia lunch for after class when  when i suddenly tripped over nothing but air and started hurtling towards the floor.

I get ready for the impact, but i feel big arms wrap around my torso instead.

I look up and made eye contact with the same beautiful green eye's i had been hoping to see more of, we didn't say anything we just kept staring at each other taking in the others appearance. 

" Dad " 

The sudden voice of Tia caused us to jump apart and look in different directions. 

" Hey what where you guys doing " she said with a smirk.

" A-ah nothing honey " I heard Gallahan stutter out.

" Ya your dad the hero saved me from falling " i finished.

" yeah sure " as she said that i saw an evil glint in her eye.

I awkwardly coughed and turned to Tia " you know what how about I get your lunch now lady tia "

" Yeah, I think that's a good idea but how about instead we go on a picnic tia" gallahan agreed.

" I will go get you a basket ready " I said as I turned away towards the kitchen..

" wait I want y/n to come with us"

I holted and turned back around

" honey I dont think your father would enjoy that "  but before I could finish me sentence I was interrupted.

" No I'm fine with that, it's always better to have more people " gallahan said with a smile.

" oh well looks like we're all having a picnic "

Gallahan x reader  ill be the matriarch in this lifeWhere stories live. Discover now