A day at home.

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So the girls dragged you back to the house and what greeted you? A stern looking Toriel, a nervous looking Asgore and Asriel, and a concerned but otherwise happy looking Papyrus. Tori for the most part looks like she wants to skin you but seems to be holding back because of something behind you. Yn looks behind himself to see Chara glaring at Tori. A look that generally says "touch him and you die". Yn gulps seeing this and Asgore and Asriel both flinch seeing Chara's face. Frisk holds his arm close to her with an angry pout. He tries to ignore the soft feeling enveloping his arm as he sweats nervously.

Papy: Welcome back young humans! How was your "date" as you called it?

Chara: It was great Papy. Everything went great.

She sounded strained. Not that she was annoyed at Papyrus. No she was annoyed by her overprotective mother. But she wasn't going to out right snap at her. She at least did understand after all that Tori was going to worry as she was her mother. It was kinda in the job description. But it didn't make it any easier. Asgore and Asriel sigh and look relieved when Tori seems to let it go though she doesn't stop glaring completely but walks away. Yn releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Yn: I thought I was going to die... Wait I'm not worried about dieing....

He gets smacked in the back of the head by Chara and flicked on the nose by Frisk. They both had taken to punishing him for anything suicidal or remotely hinting at it. Chara lightly smacks the back of his head and Frisk just gently flicks his nose. They don't hurt him but it does get the point across.

Chara/Frisk: No./Bad.

Yn: Q-Q

The drag him to the couch and sit him down while they wiz around gathering stuff for their improvised movie/game night. They grabbed bowls of chips. The offbrand namebrand monster version of human chips namely Sno-ritos and Lay-downs. Bet you can't figure out what's what. And they then grabbed several blankets and pillows. Three decks of cards. The casual poker deck, a rip-off of the game that destroys friendships Tres, and something called Cards again Monstrosity. And they then grabbed what I assume was their favorite movie. LizardOrb Broccoli movie. Hmmmm why does that sound familiar....? Oh well. The swaddle themselves together and play the movie first. It took a good two hours but at least over half of it was Karrot and Vegetable fighting Broccoli in front of Freezer. It was enjoyable to say the least. Yn was kinda intrigued as to why all the characters could turn different colors of their eyebrows and why it seems so familiar to him.

Yn: This reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on it. It's so weird....

Chara: Meh. Let's just get to the games already!

Frisk: Yeah!

They both seem excited. Yn just sighs and obliges. I mean both his arms were asleep thanks to them clinging to them for two hours straight. He sits on the floor in front of the table and they sit on the sides. They decided to play 21 first. Bad move. Yn was a god at 21. Chara played dealer first.

Chara: Ok let's go! Yn hit or stay?

Yn looks at his cards. He looks to the deck. He has two queens. He has a feeling the next card is either a ten or a king.

Yn: Nah I'm good.

He smirks confidently. Chara looks to Frisk.

Chara: What you feeling like 21 Queen?

Yn looks at Frisk curious.

Frisk: I'm really good at this game.

She explains. Yn grins competitively. Frisk looks at the deck and pats the table signalling Chara to give her the hit. Frisk takes the card and smiles. Chara herself smiles and flips her cards revealing a king of hearts and an eight of diamonds. Yn laughs and shows his two queens. One of hearts and one of clubs. Frisk looks surprised. She shows she has a four and a five of clubs and a ten of spades. Yn won.

Frisk: You beat me!

Chara: You actually beat her!

Yn grins smugly.

Yn: I'm the KING of 21!

He exclaims proudly. He laughs in his victory. The two look at him and giggle.

Frisk: Ok let's go then!

They play again. Yn got a six and a five this time. He without hesitation takes a hit. He scored a king of spades. He smiles having already won. Frisk takes a hit too. Chara takes two. They reveal. Yn has a six a five and a king of spades. He laughs as the two are shocked again. Frisk had a five of diamonds and of clubs. Chara had an ace of hearts an three of hearts and two twos of clubs and spades.

Frisk/Chara: AGAIN!?

Yn: Ha ha HA! I told you!

They continue playing but Yn won every single time. They couldn't believe it. Game after game he won with seemingly no worries of busting or coming up short. Frisk met her match. Chara finally had enough and quit.


Yn was busting his ass off laughing on the floor. He was genuinely having fun. He doesn't even remember the last time he laughed this hard.


When Yn finally calms down he sits up. He looks at them and they're both pouting at him and they then get an idea... A devious one... The most evil idea they could possibly have.... Worse than murder... Worse than the most horrendous amount of torture.... They tackle him and pin him down. He looks up at them surprised. They have devilish smiles they then proceeded to do the unthinkable.... They TICKLE HIM! He was barraged by tickling and he started laughing hysterically.


Yn struggles but they are too strong as he laughs and desperately pleas for them to stop. They giggle mischievously and keep going until they are satisfied.

Chara: How was that Mr. King~?

Yn: N-No m-more I yield! I yield!

Frisk: Good~

They both hug him afterwards smooshing him between them as they all laugh together. Today was a happy day.

The innocent child haunted (male reader x story shift chara)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora