The lost one

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"Just another day in hell. Why am I even alive? Do I even deserve to live?"are questions you often ask yourself. You are walking home from school again, alone. You are pretty much just waiting for the school bully to jump you as per usual. You heard now actually.

???: Hey you piece of shit. Who told you could live again?

Yn: Nobody*looking down*

???: That's right, now take your beating!

Marcus is his name and pain is his game. He loves causing you misery the most out of all people.
He knows no one will stick up for you. You have no one. Not even your older sister.

She is the main reason you blame yourself, because she blames you

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She is the main reason you blame yourself, because she blames you. She's twenty now so she moved out. She never stopped by or called. She wouldn't even recognize you now.

Back to you being absolutely wrecked by Marcus. You were now laying broken and bloody. Marcus then had a brilliant idea.

Marcus: Hey let's throw his body down the hole in Mount Ebott!

Yn: ple...please..... n-no.....

They pick you up dispute your protests and carry you throughout the long hike up there laughing about how there was no way you would survive. You couldn't do anything but silently weep.

Marcus: Here we are!

You look at the gaping hole in the ground. This is it. This is how I die. I never got to say goodbye to mom and dad. Wonder if I'll see them again in heaven. The next thing you know you were falling in and were swallowed by the blackness.


Black. That is all I see. Is this it? Is this all there is? This is the afterlife! This kinda blows. I was expecting more sunshine and rainbows and junk. Oh well. Any thing is better than the last world.
Then you realize your eyes are just closed. You open them. You see the top of the hole above you. Dammit! I'm still alive!!*sigh* Guess I have to endure more.

You sit up. You get up. Where am I? What is this? You see an archway. You walk through it. You find yourself in a large room. At it's center of it a yellow flower.  You walk up to it. It turns around. Wait... It turned around?!  It opens eyes. EYES!?!?

Fower: Howdie! I'm Boogie, Boogie the Flower! Welcome to the the Underground! You must be new around here!

Yn: O_O

Boogie: What? Never seen a talking flower? Well I guess I should show you how stuff works around here!

The world seems to go black and white.

Boogie: Now you see these?

White orbs appear in a circle around you.

Boogie: These are friendliness pellets. They help increase your LOVE. What's LOVE you ask? It's Level Of ValuE!

The innocent child haunted (male reader x story shift chara)Where stories live. Discover now