Special day continued

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So while uber happy puppy boi was getting pampered, little goat boi walked into the living room and saw his sister and his best friend absolutely anihilating his new friend's brain.

Asriel: Chara you're breaking him!

Chara looks at him and then down at Yn and giggles to herself.

Chara: He shouldn't have hid his birthday from us. Besides. Birthday boys get spoiled around here!

Frisk: Yeah! Besides! He looks so cute!

He was just lying there on the couch being absolutely smooth with affection. He had no care in the world. You could say he was drunk off it. He was in nirvana. Seventh heaven. He didn't want this to ever stop. But alas all things come to an end. They stopped and he looked up pouting.

Yn: Why'd you stop?

Chara: Can't have you going brain dead. You'd be too helpless~

Frisk: We wouldn't know what to do with you~ You'd be powerless to stop us~

Yn goes beet red and covers his face trying to make the bad thoughts go away. Chara and Frisk took notice though.

Chara: Are you having naughty thoughts already~?

Yn: What!? No!!! No no no no not at all!!

Frisk: You sure~?

Yn nods furiously but they knew better. They giggle and hold him down. Chara goes in and kisses one cheek while Frisk kisses the other. Yn remains red as a cherry. He squeaks as they peck his cheeks. They giggle and let him go.

Yn: Why!?

Chara/Frisk: Why not~?

Yn: internal screaming

Yn quickly sits up and covers his face.

Chara/Frisk: Happy birthday~!

He blushes but he's smiling underneath. A small embarrassed smile but a smile none the less. They see it too. They hug him close to themselves. Both quite happy with themselves. Poor Asriel sat their watching but upon hearing happy birthday ran out of the room to go tell Papyrus who then burst in.


Yn: What the f-!!!

Chara quickly covers his mouth to spare Asriel's ears. Papyrus bounds over to Yn in two steps on his long legs. Yn jerks back in surprise.


Papyrus grabs his shoulders and shakes him.

Yn: Be-! Cause-! I-! For-! Got-!


Yn: I-! Don't-! Cele-! Brate-! It-!

Papyrus stops violently shaking him and covers his mouth in shock.

Papyrus: This will not stand! I will prepare for you the best birthday dinner you will ever shove in your mouth!

He runs off to the kitchen. Poor Yn was dizzy as hell and barely understood what happened. He wobbled where he sat as Chara and Frisk give him sympathetic looks and try to fix his clothes and hair.

Chara: Sorry about him... He gets really serious about days like this...

She giggles.

Frisk: Yeah... He feels like birthdays are super important... He'll go all out...

Asriel: Yeah sorry but I had to tell him...

Asriel looks at Yn with an apologetic smile. Yn for his part didn't really hear much but nodded anyways trying to regain what braincells he lost during Papyrus's throttling. He shakes his head to make the stars go away and he looks at Chara and Frisk.

Yn: Is there any warnings you need to give me?

Chara: Not any I can think of.

He sighs and just leans back against Chara who receives him with a smile and places his head against her chest. Frisk smiled softly. He was starting here recently to willingly allow himself to be embraced and even initiated occasionally much to their delight. They were glad to see his progress. They both snuggled up with him and waited till they heard Papyrus shout for dinner. Yn bolted up at the smell of food. The girls giggled as he dead sprinted to the dining room. He got there and saw a gorgeous spread. I'll let you readers decide what's on the table. He drools as his eyes sparkle. Such a drastic change from his behavior before he fell.

Yn: So much food!

Papyrus: Yes! As a growing child deserves! For your birthday!

Yn still has to process that this is for him. It takes a second but it finally starts to really hit him. Suddenly memories flood his mind. Days where he would get up and get ready for school but his parents would allow him to stay home. They would make him breakfast. They would sing him happy birthday. He would get presents. They would take him out for lunch and at the end of the day they would fix a big dinner. As the memories come to him full blast his flood gates open and tears fall down his face. But a big smile graced his tired face. Papyrus was stunned into silence by the display but Yn runs up and hugs him. Chara and Frisk watch with warm smiles. Papyrus hugs back and pats his back.

Yn: Th-Thank you...

He steps back and wipes his eyes. They all gathered around the table. For the first time in seven years... Yn actually enjoyed his birthday.

The innocent child haunted (male reader x story shift chara)Where stories live. Discover now