The loved

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You wake up to see Chara and Frisk smiling at you gently. Frisk leans over and helps you sit up while Chara takes your left and in both of hers.

Frisk: Hey dude, how do you feel?

Chara: You alright kiddo?

Yn: Yeah, I'm ok...

Chara moves closer and pecks you on the cheek. You jump a little and turn salmon pink.


Chara: How you feeling now?

Yn: *mumbling* better...

Chara: What was that?

Yn: N-nothing!

Frisk just sits there giggling. The three of you sit and talk for a bit, that is till Papyrus walks in with breakfast. It's still steamy. This is when your stomach speaks up.

Yn stomach: grrrrrruuuuuuummmmmble

Yn/Chara/Frisk/Papyrus: !?

Yn: Hehehe, guess I'm hungry?

Chara smiles again and frisk giggles harder. You look down sheepishly. Papyrus sets the plate down on your lap.

Papyrus: This is my best dish. Pasta pie. It has tomato sauce, alfredo, multiple different pastas, and of course a garlic butter crust topped with parmesan.

You smell it. It smells delicious, looks delicious. You take a tentative bite. IT TASTES BETTER THAN DELICIOUS!! You Chow down as fast as possible. Chara laughs. Frisk is rolling on the floor laughing.
Papyrus is stunned by which the speed you consumed it. You look at him silently asking for more.

Papyrus: I'll go get more... How astonishing...

Chara: Look at you, your a mess.

She says this while wiping of some sauce from your face.

Yn: I guess I was hungry...

Frisk: No kidding. Did you even eat at all up there.

Yn: Well... Not really... I guess I just really couldn't be bothered most days...

Chara: Well here, your gonna eat properly, ya hear.

Yn: Yeah, sure.

Chara: Good, cuz that wasn't a suggestion, it was a command.

Yn: Yes ma'am.

Chara pecks you on the forehead and leaves. You turn pink again. Frisk giggles more.

Frisk: A shy guy huh?

Yn: M-maybe...

Frisk: Awww, come hear.

She pulls you into the warmest hug you've ever felt in your life. Though that isn't saying much as you never really got hugged anymore. She had her right arm locked around you in a way were you couldn't move your own, even if you wanted to. Her other hand forcing your head into the crook of her neck.

It was warm, and full of love. She really cared about you. She wanted to love you. You soon eased into it. She felt it and hugged tighter. You knew she was smiling happily. You were too.

Soon Papyrus was back. He walked in on your cuddles, and stood in the doorway smiling.

You finally took notice and blushed crimson. Frisk felt the heat coming of your face and looked at you, then the direction you were looking. She smiled at Papyrus and continued to coddle you.

Papyrus: Frisk, I see you've warmed up to Yn nicely.

Frisk: Yup.

You are still crimson. She let go, to your disappointment, so you could eat more. She took notice and sat behind you on the bed and wrapped her arms around you. You ate and she hugged you all the while. You were eating the affection and food up with a steam shovel.

This lasted for fifteen more minutes. She let go once and for all, and you finished eating. She helped you out of bed and down the stairs. Papyrus took your dishes and went into the kitchen. You were sat on the couch with Frisk sitting beside you. Chara is sitting in a recliner in front of you.

Chara: So, did you enjoy it.

Yn: Enjoy what?

Chara: Your cuddle time with Frisk.

She's smiling quite smugly as she speaks.

Yn: W-what?

You're now beet red.

Chara: What is it? Embarrassed? Why is that?~

She says all this in quite a seductive tone. She also got up walked over to you, hips swaying, placed her hands on your knees, and leaned over until her face was an inch from yours. She had a more seductive look on her face now. You were changing shades of red.

Chara: What's the matter? Is this too hot for ya?~

She leans closer. She licks your ear gently.

Yn: Whaaaaaaa!?

Frisk is once again rolling on the floor laughing. Chara backs up to an inch away. She pecks you on the lips and sits back down in her chair.

Yn: Whaaaaaaaaaa!?

Chara: I've marked you kiddo. You're  mine now.~ Fu Fu Fu~

Yn is no longer able process anything at this point. Blood spurts out his nose, sending him back into the couch nearly unconscious.

Frisk is sent into a hysterical fit of laughter. She can't hold back anymore and ends up falling off the couch. Chara sits down in the recliner again smiling smugly.

Yn doesn't think he can handle any more of this.

Sis's PoV

Sis: What have I done? The only family I had left. Gone. I could've stopped it. I could've saved you. But I didn't. I let this happen. I made this happen. It's my fault. What kinda sister am I?

She stood at the edge of the hole at Mt. Ebott. She cried for you. She was crying into the hole. Her tears falling like rain drops. She was broken. Broken and alone. Her entire family was gone now. One could've been spared had she chose to save him. His blood was on her hands. She almost thought about jumping.

The innocent child haunted (male reader x story shift chara)Where stories live. Discover now