Chapter 4

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Amber eventually stopped crying and fell back asleep. But the fact that she had been crying in the first place kept me from falling back asleep. So, I got out of bed again and grabbed my journal from my dresser. I sat down in the living room. Though I wasn't in the ideal headspace, I proceeded to write.

At about 4 am, I heard footsteps in the hallway. It was Uncle Erik. I tried to ignore him in the hopes that he wouldn't notice me. But once he was finished in the bathroom, he approached me.

"What are you doing up, kiddo?" he asked groggily.

"Couldn't sleep," I replied.

"Why not?"

I shrugged. I really didn't feel like thinking about my sister's issues anymore. 

"Just not feeling great," I answered. Technically, it wasn't a lie.

Uncle Erik sat next to me and rested one of his arms on my shoulder. "Is it because of what Aunt Mary said? Did it feel like she was pushing you to share your writing, even though you didn't want to?"

He wasn't entirely wrong. "That's part of it," I said, sighing.

A moment of silence lingered between us. Finally, my uncle spoke.

"You know... I see myself a lot in you and your siblings, Reese. I know you pretty well. You're in your head most of the time, and you daydream a lot, but you're also thoughtful and compassionate. That being said, I get how you feel. I was the quiet kid at school, too. I didn't want to stand out or be the center of attention. But if this is something you love and want to share... you shouldn't let any of that stop you."

He patted my shoulder and stood up. "Try to get some sleep, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay." I gathered my journal and pencils under my arm and headed back to my room.

Slowly, I opened my door. Amber was still sound asleep. I crawled into bed, my uncle's words echoing in my head as I fell back asleep.

At breakfast that morning, I was surprised to see Amber sitting between Neal and me at the table. I then remembered one of the rules Uncle Erik had discussed with us: Amber had to join us for meals. It was probably so that we appeared "normal" in front Aunt Mary, whether we liked it or not.

Of course, Amber still remained silent throughout breakfast. The only people that were really talking were our aunt and uncle. Neal was just as awkwardly silent as I was.

It's Thursday, isn't it? I thought. Maybe I should consider it...

I cleared my throat and spoke up. "So... that literary magazine we talked about last night? It's meeting today after school. I was thinking of staying for it. Is that okay?"

Aunt Mary nodded. "Of course, sweetie! I'm so excited!"

"Do you need a ride?" Uncle Erik asked.

"No, I can just take the late bus."

"Well, I can drive any of you to or from school," Aunt Mary offered. "Might as well, while I'm here."

Neal looked up from his food. "Well... do you mind driving me to school today?" he asked. "This way I don't have to rush for the bus?"

"Sure, hon! What about you, Amber?"

"I'm fine with the bus," Amber replied quickly. "But thank you."

She immediately excused herself after finishing her meal. Uncle Erik and Aunt Mary exchanged worried looks but didn't speak.

Once we were all finished, Neal pulled me aside. "Is it just me or is she more... Amber-y than usual?" he asked.

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