Chapter 16

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Amber and I managed to find a spot in between being awkward around each other and being touchy-feely, although it leaned more toward the former. She helped me make breakfast, and then we sat down to eat with Neal. She talked to us about the classes she had that day and what she was learning, and I listened closely before reciprocating.

Neal's eyes moved between us, as if unsure of how to react. Eventually, he talked a little about soccer practice. Amber attempted to ask him more about school, but he hurried away without an answer.

I didn't blame him. I mean, it was an abrupt change. Amber was clearly trying to earn my forgiveness, and I assumed she was trying to earn Neal's as well. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell for sure what my brother was thinking.

As much as I wanted to help, I couldn't dwell on it for long. I had school.

The good news: I was no longer an emotional wreck at school. The bad news: my neck was still bothering me. It was mainly in the morning, though. By the time I got to psychology, the ache had completely disappeared.

Speaking of psychology, Gary approached me before class started. "Hey Reese!"

"Hey!" I said.

Gary took the seat next to me, which belonged to Lauren. The grin he wore when we greeted me faded as he spoke up again. "I, um... don't have experience with this sort of thing, but... is everything okay with you and Amber?"

The question caught me off guard. I stared open-mouthed for a moment. This made Gary chuckle nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry, I know it's sudden and... weird. But just, Amber was upset at rehearsal the other day. Like really upset. And you seem like you have stuff on your mind. So..."

I bit my lip. Based on our behavior the past couple of days, I guess it was obvious something was wrong. Gary and I were closer than we used to be. I let him in, but just a little.

"We just had a rough couple of days," I answered. "Family stuff. That's all."

"Oh, okay. Do you, um... feel like talking about it?"

"Not right now. But..."

I smiled at him, warmth spreading throughout my body. "Thank you for asking. I really appreciate it."

His signature smile returned. "Sure thing!"

I could tell he wanted to talk more. wanted to talk more. But it was then that Lauren approached the desk. Gary bolted out of the seat.

"Sorry, I'm leaving!" he exclaimed. "See you, Reese!"

I laughed as Lauren's eyes followed Gary with an out-of-character intensity. Then she quirked an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just, he doesn't normally talk to people outside of band or drama."

Lauren took her seat and smiled. "He must really be interested."

"Well, I have been attending rehearsals. Mainly because Amber is in the play. But I think that's the only reason."

I could have sworn that I saw a doubting look on Lauren's face before our lesson began.


Later that day, Amber asked me if she could invite her friends over. I responded with confusion. She had never asked for permission before. Was this going to be a new thing, as part of our agreement?

"Sure," I said, shrugging. "I don't care."

I thought that was the end of it. But then she asked something else.

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