Chapter 10

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"I'm going to do it."

I looked up at my sister. She wore a determined expression. "I thought about it all weekend, and... I decided I'm going to ask out Lily."

I grinned. "Awesome! When?"

"I was hoping today. You know..."

Her voice faltered for a moment. "Just to rip it off like a Band-aid." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

I could feel her anxiety as if it were my own. "I'd give advice, but... I feel like I'm not qualified."

I paused before adding, "For several reasons."

Amber smiled. "It's alright. I appreciate the offer."

She headed back to her room, where all her clothes were. I followed close behind, then remained in the doorway. This room was enemy territory for the longest time. Maybe not so much now, but I didn't plan on finding out.

Amber's fingers crawled along the edge of several tops. Some were plain t-shirts, most were either sweaters, blouses, or button-ups.

"You think I should dress nice?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I mean, unless one of your shirts is gayer than the others, I don't think it matters."

Crap. I said that out loud.

I expected to get berated, but Amber instead burst into laughter. "I guess not."

She looked to me and blinked. "You can come in, you know. I don't have anything fun like posters or plushies but..."

I smiled and thanked her. I made my way to the bed, with plain, beige sheets, and sat at the foot of it. Her room had a few of her drawings from when she was young and in school. A few books were on top of her dresser, but I couldn't clearly make out the covers.

The hollow feeling from Saturday returned suddenly.

I sighed. "Amber? Can I ask you something?"

She stopped going through clothes and turned to face me. "What is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just..."

I took a deep breath. "I think Maddy likes Peter. And I... I feel like I should be happy for them, if two of my friends like each other. But I just feel... empty."

Amber hesitated for a moment. "Do you think you might like one of them? Not just as a friend?"

"Well, I'm like 99% sure I'm straight, so I don't think I'll ever see Maddy as anything other than a friend. As for Peter..."

My brain fizzled just thinking about it. I shook my head fiercely. "No, I just like hanging out with him as a friend."

"That's what I told myself about Lily for the longest time."

"Yeah, but...well, he's not my type."

Amber raised her eyebrows. "Your type?"

"You know... typically I find myself attracted to a certain type of guy. Tall or average height, tan, and usually have something unique or interesting about their personality. Like Gary."

"So... you like Gary, and... maybe you're just jealous that two people like each other because you want that with him?"

I bit my lip. That wasn't a total lie. I wanted it with someone, I just didn't know who.

"Maybe? I don't know," I finally said aloud.

I could see my sister's eyes filled with sympathy. God, that's the last thing I need,  I thought. My once estranged sister trying to help me with boy problems. 

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