Chapter 8

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That night, I did some homework in my room. Amber had been using my room as her homework space, as she had used her own. I had reservations about sharing a workspace with her at first. But after how well the car ride ended up, I figured it would be okay.

And it was. We focused on our different assignments, so we didn't talk much to each other. But I was able to share a space with her without feeling like I was intruding. It was a step in the right direction.

At least, I thought it was.

In the morning, I made breakfast for myself and Neal. My brother looked especially irritated, so I knew it was best not to ask him about it.

"Morning," I greeted as normal.

"Morning," Neal grumbled in reply.

He sat down at the table, where his cereal was waiting for him. He didn't take a single bite of food. Instead, he got right to the point.

"Did something happen between you and Amber? You two seem closer somehow."

I chewed the corner of my lip. I couldn't lie, but I couldn't tell him everything, either.

"I don't know," I said. "She told me some girl stuff and... I don't know. I reciprocated. It's nice that she doesn't seem like a wall anymore."

Neal pursed his lips together. "Sure, to you."

He then proceeded to scarf down his food.

To me? I thought. What's that supposed to mean?

Then it hit me. He was jealous. He was angry when Amber hadn't opened up to him that day. He still had hope that Amber could change, that they could be close again. Amber had changed, just not for him.

I took my bowl to the kitchen table and sat across from him. "You know, she did help with your homework earlier this week. I know it's not exactly the point you want to be at, but give her time."

Neal wiped his face with a napkin. He thanked me, but he certainly didn't seem grateful. He left to change in his room, just before Amber entered the kitchen.

She looked like she was about to call out to Neal but stopped when he slammed his bedroom door shut. She turned her attention to the freezer instead.

"He knows something is up, doesn't he?"

I wasn't expecting her to ask, but now that she did, I had to answer.

"Yeah," I replied.

I paused. "Um... I got to ask. Why was I the first one you told? Why not Neal? He's actually into girls, and he wants you back in his life."

Amber sighed. She looked at me, and the tiredness and sadness had returned to her eyes.

"That's just it. He wants the me he used to know back. This new me..."

Her voice started to break. "If he doesn't accept this part of me, will he still want me in his life?"

She took a deep breath. "As far as I knew, you didn't care about any of that. So it was easier to tell you."

I blinked in confusion. "But... gay or not, you're still Amber. It's not like you changed just because of who you like."

Amber slammed the microwave door closed, making me jump. She pressed some buttons before continuing.

"Neal is still a kid. I don't think he knows about this stuff. What if he thinks badly about it?"

I could only stand dumbfounded. She was right; I knew nothing about this stuff at Neal's age, and if I hadn't been educated last year, I may have formed a different opinion. But I refused to think that the situation was as hopeless as Amber was making it out to be.

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