Chapter 21

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Almost as suddenly as she moved in, Aunt Mary moved out during the week.

We had one last evening of Chinese takeout and movies. During a slow part of the film, I ran to my backpack and retrieved the school literary magazine. I was going to show it to my family.

"What's that?" asked Aunt Mary, tilting her head.

"It's the magazine I was telling you about," I said. 

That got Amber's attention. She whipped her head towards me.

"The one you wrote something for?" she asked.


I stared at my feet. "If you guys want to read it after this..."

"Of course I do!" Aunt Mary exclaimed. 

She held the paper booklet to her lap as we watched the rest of the film. Once the credits rolled, she started to flip through it. She smiled widely as she came to my name. I swallowed hard, observing as she read.

"Oh, honey," my aunt said, tears forming in her eyes. "It's so good!"

My cheeks reddened as I smiled. "You're just saying that because we're related."

"I'm not! I'm serious!"

She pouted and folded her arms, as if she were defending herself against a heinous accusation.

"Let me see that," Uncle Erik said. 

Aunt Mary passed him the magazine. He squinted to read and grumbled about the small font. His eyes scanned the page back and forth. When he was done, he rose from his seat and wrapped me in a bear hug. 

"I'm proud of you, kid."

Finally, it was Amber and Neal's turn. I walked behind them and placed my hand on Amber's shoulder. My eyes fell to the page.

Two Words by Reese Johnson

Just two words, and everything changed.

Well, not everything. You're the same person I've always known.

But there's so much I don't know.

I don't know what to do about the tears in your eyes.

I don't know why you seemed so scared.

And I don't know why you told me.

I'm not strong, I'm not brave.

I'm not wise.

I'm vulnerable, I'm a coward.

I'm a mess.

Yet you trusted me with these two words,

Words I don't quite understand the weight of.

You always seemed invincible.

Strong, brave, wise.

Now you're the one who is vulnerable,

who is scared, who's a mess. 

And though I might not understand,

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