Chapter 20

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I received a text from an unknown number that night. To my relief, it was from someone I knew.

Hey Reese, it's Sarah. Lily's house isn't too far away. If we leave on time, we can make it!

"Yes!" I exclaimed under my breath. I pumped my fist and quickly responded back.

Nice! So operation second-act is on??

Sarah's response: Lol yeah, it's on.

Fighting off my smile was like trying to hold down a squirming puppy. It was difficult, but the effort needed to be made. I couldn't wait to see my sister's face when she saw Lily next to me in the audience.

I asked Lily about her Sunday night plans via text. She said her parents were going out, so she had the ability to leave freely. The problem was, she didn't know if she could get back in. She got back to me just before we piled into the car, saying her sister could take her back and cover for her.

I texted Neal about the plan. He promised that his lips would remain sealed. I debated telling Uncle Erik and Aunt Mary, but my brother advised against it. After all, they wouldn't approve if Lily's parents didn't. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad my brother knows how to get away with reckless stuff. 

I wrung my hands for almost the entire ride to the school. We all saw Amber off by the stage door for the third and final time. But as she entered, I called out to her. 

"Hey, Amber?"

She stopped and turned to me. "Yeah?"

Words failed to exit my gaping mouth. What was I supposed to say? That everything would be alright? Things would work out? I could, but I didn't want to make her any more distracted than she already was. 

Besides, tonight wasn't just about my plan. It was Amber's last chance to leave her mark at this school.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Knock 'em dead."

Amber covered her mouth before a giggle could escape. "Hey, Velma's the murderer, not me."

"I know."

Amber nodded and entered the backstage area. I took a deep breath and followed the rest of my family to our seats. Once seated, I couldn't stop my leg from bouncing. I even took two trips to the bathroom during the first act.  

Then it was time. The curtains fell, the lights came on. Sarah grabbed her flute and hurried backstage. My heart pounded against my chest. What if something went wrong? What if...

I shook my head.

No. This is going to work. It has to.

I took out my phone and texted Lily in the lobby. Hopefully she'd see the message and be ready to go.

Instead of a text, however, I got a phone call in response. I let Uncle Erik know I was using the bathroom, but I had really moved to a quiet spot in a nearby hallway. Then I answered Lily's call.

"Hey Lily!" I said. "What's up?"

Her voice was breaking on the other end. "I... I can't do this."

My heart sank into my stomach. "Can't do what?" 

"The plan. I... how can I face Amber? I didn't even give her a proper good-bye or call her to explain."

"Lily, she understands. And I know she'll forgive you."

"And what if she does? I'm supposed to see her for one night, and then possibly never again? That's going to hurt her even more!"

A pause. "I'm going to hurt her even more."

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