Chapter 18

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Gary and I fell into a routine that week. We walked from Psychology to French, and from French to rehearsal. If I wasn't going to rehearsal, Gary walked me to the courtyard before joining his friends. It was natural, effortless. But it only lasted for that one week.

Next week was the last of rehearsals. The play would begin Friday and end Sunday. 

Wednesday was the last day the cast and crew were all together. The cast ran the entire show in costume, on Monday and today. The band played the show with them. The crew continuously made sure the lights, microphones, and set worked smoothly. Apparently, it was called "tech week." It should really be called "hell on earth."

I wasn't lying to Gary; I didn't mind seeing the show all these times. But these past two rehearsals were even wearing me down. If there was a technical issue, they had to stop and fix it every single time. It was also jarring to see Amber in full Velma.

Lily, who had come to watch with me, certainly wasn't having any problems. My hell was her heaven. I understood to an extent; Gary's suit did him some favors. But it was still strange to know someone thought of my sister the way I thought about him. At some point, I nudged her and informed her that my sister's eyes were further up. Lily let out a sheepish chuckle.

Finally, it was over. One of the crew members brought cupcakes for everyone involved with the musical. Mr. Schofield even offered one to Lily and me, "for putting up with everyone." We happily took him up on that offer. 

After changing out of her costume, Amber came to greet us. Lily pouted.

"You couldn't keep it on a little longer?" she asked.

"It's not very comfortable," my sister replied matter-of-factly. 

The two wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. Though Lily was ready to pull away, Amber rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder. 

"One more minute?" she asked. "I'm exhausted."

Lily laughed softly and kissed her head. "Sure."

As I watched them, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see Gary. He was smiling, but this smile seemed strained, forced. Beads of sweat rested in his hair and on his face. 

"Hey!" he said, breathlessly. "What did you think?"

"You all did great!" I replied. "But I also think you're exhausted. You need a minute?"

"I'm okay."

He ran a hand through his hair and wiped the sweat from his brow. "It's just the lights are really hot. And the suit didn't help."

"Yeah. It looked good on you, though."

Wait, what? Did I just say that out loud?! 

Gary chuckled. "It did, huh? I wish I could keep it, but it's a rental. The costume company would be pissed."

I laughed along with him. It was good that he didn't read into my compliment too much. As I was about to say more, Sarah approached. She was chugging a water bottle. She wasn't under the lights, but I could imagine that blowing and spitting into an instrument for over two hours made her pretty thirsty. 

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," replied Sarah.

She took a deep breath and continued. "I'm ready to drive you and Amber whenever you're ready. Lily, do you need a ride?"

Lily shook her head, announcing that her sister was picking her up. She and my sister kissed good-bye and headed their separate ways.

The car ride home was silent, except for the radio. This time, it wasn't out of awkwardness, but of exhaustion. I knew how hard they worked. Surely, I could do something... right?

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