Chapter 3

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Stacey's P.O.V.

" Lindsey, who was that?" I asked her. 'And why was he looking at me curiously?' I thought.

" Shh, don't worry about him, he is no one you should be concerned about." She said while petting my hair. It actually calms me down whenever she does that. My sister and I are really close but are also formal of eachother. I know it's an awkward relationship but it's better than not having one at all.

Time skip: 2 hours

        I get up and was about ready to leave to my room when the house phone rang. We only have one phone in the house and me and Lindsey don't have enough money to get our own phones. So, our parents are the only ones with cell phones. Lindsey enters the kitchen after she had her shower and goes to get the phone from the living room. By the look on her face it is an unknown number. She answers it and I go ahead towards my room since I though that maybe someone got the wrong number.

        I grab some mini mouse pajamas and head towards the bathroom to take a shower. I put the pajamas on the counter. Then, I leave the bathroom to get a couple towels out of the laundry room. One for the floor and one to dry myself off with. I go back to the bathroom and after I placed towels where they should be, Lindsey comes in with a mix of sad and worry expressions on her face.

" Stacey get in the car. We are going to the hospital." She says frantically. I run out of the bathroom and put on my boots at the door. I go to the passenger's side of our dad's car. I get in the car and wait for Lindsey.

        Lindsey is now wearing a dark green sweatshirt, a pair of light blue jeans, and a pair of black convers. We pull out of the driveway and head towards the hospital. The drive was long and silent except for the radio thats playing Demons by Imagine Dragons. After a while we made it to the hospital. We get out of the car and go inside the building.

" Lindsey and Stacey Lamen. We are here to see our parents." Lindsey tells the receptionist at the counter once we got there. The lady looks through a list of names.

" Oh, yes here you are. You need to wait in the waiting area until the doctor comes to give you the okay." She says pointing to a corner of the room where there are a few other people waiting to see their loved ones too. We both take a seat next to eachother. Lindsey was sitting there twittling with her thumbs and I have my head in my hands. Praying that everything is alright.

        After a few hours of waiting the doctor comes out and motions for us to follow. By now I'm pretty sure that my hair looks like a mess but I didn't care my parent's lives were at stake right now. The doctor explained to us that they were in a car wreck by a drunk driver. Mom died at the site but dad is in critical condition.

        As soon as he mentioned that our mom died, I started to cry. Mom and I were really close which makes it all that much harder on me. Lindsey turns to hug me and starts petting my hair to calm me down. It's not working, at least not this time. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that we won't be able to see her again. Then I remember that dad is still with us, but I don't know how long he will be able to stay with us.

Lindsey's P.O.V.

        I try to confort Stacey as best I can she is still young in this world I've already went through the kind of pain that she is going through. She may think that I'm two years older then her, which is true in the human world, but really I'm 180 years old. Us wolf-demons are immortal and time flows differently for us. Stacey is just 16. She is really young and new in the world and pretty soon, not yet but soon, I'm gonna have to tell her about the truth about who we are.

Should I Tell You?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum