Chapter 4

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Stacey's P.O.V.

"Zack Miller" he said. "And what is your name?" He asked as he gestures to me.

"Oh. Uhh, I'm Lacey McGarden." I lie. Well it's almost a lie.

"Really!? You mean the Lacey McGarden?" He asks almost skeptically. I start feeling nervous. I don't like telling people my real name. I just don't like telling people about myself in general.

He looks at me with an empty expression, like he has been through some time of loneliness. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. 'I know that look anywhere'  I feel bad for him, but there is not much I can do. I grab my bag and put money on the table so I would be ready to leave.

"Yeah I am. Would you like an autograph or something?" I ask him nervously, looking through my bag for a pen or something to write with.

"Sure, that would be great. My little sister loves your books. She is hoping that you can write some more soon." He says as he hands me a copy of my book 'Haunting Kelsey'. I blush at the thought that someone actually thinks my book is great. I sign the book and hand it back to him. Then I check the time on my phone. It is 7:45 pm.

"Oh my goodness! I need to go. It was very nice to meet you and I hope your sister will like my new book coming next year, then." I frantically said while shaking his hand and then leaving for home.

He just stared at me as I made my way outside and headed down the street to turn the corner. Once I got home I went to my room and took off my boots. Then I just flopped onto my bed. ' That was really weird.' I didn't give it too much thought though. I mean everyone has weird experiences every once in a while.

After I take a shower and everything, I walk over to my journal filled with stories that needed to be edited. My mom used to tell me that what ever I write in this journal it will come true. I didn't believe in fairytales, but I loved to write them so I just wrote them in this. I also write all of my dreams that I have. And I do mean all. Eventually I go to bed and dream of a better tomorrow.

Lindsey's P.O.V.

I know Stacey went to that restaurant down by that corner so I follow her. She meets her friend, I'm guessing, and orders something. Moments later she comes back and places the food in front of my sister. I am currently at the top of a nearby house looking through the window Stacey is at. What? you can't be too cautious.

Eventually I smell a very familiar and very unpleasant scent. ' It's him'  I growled lowly so know one hears me. I watch from a distance as he enters the restaurant. I keep an eye on him the whole time.

He walks over to my sister and has the nerve to sit in front of her! 'Oh he is so going to get it!' I continue watching him until my sister jumps up, out of her chair and shakes his hand, then leaves towards home. 'Wait she shook his hand!?'  I felt angry but then remembered that she doesn't know him. That and I think it was a spear-of-the- moment type of being polite.

After my spying- on-my-sister-thing was done, I made it home before she did and just did some work on my project that's due in a week. It still ticked me off that he was near my sister. I decided to surprise Stacey tomorrow by going on a trip to a place that would be relaxing. Just the two of us having a girls weekend together would be great. We haven't done it in a long time.

'Hmmm, now where should we go?'  I thought looking on my phone for places we could go. I finally rested on going to Hawaii and booked it. This is going make her really happy. 'I just hope nothing happens while we are there.'  I thought as I climb into bed and sleep. But little did I know what trouble awaits us.

Zack's P.O.V.

I watch as Lacey heads out the door and down the street, then turns a corner. 'She looks and smells so familiar but I can't put my finger on where I had seen her before? and why did she look so alone?' when I saw her face with a sad expression. I could tell she was hurting too. But I didn't know what to do. I also smelled her scent nearby but then it disappeared at the same time Lacey left, so I just ignored it.

I head towards the woods and shift into a wolf. I can't get that girl,  out of my head. I run until I can smell the ocean. I shift back and walk towards the water. Just being near the ocean helps calm me down. I shift again but this time I turn into a shark as I dove deep into the water.

I am a shape-shifter and the only one left of my kind. Since my parents died it was just me and my sister. That is until just last year when she died of being poisoned by her 'best friend'. It still hurts every time I think back at the memories my sister and I had with our parents. I was left all alone.

I am only 19 years old and yet, the loneliness that I feel should have already been gone. But when I'm with Lacey, I realize how lonely I really am. 'why do I feel this way when she is around?'  I thought as I reach the shore of Honolulu, Hawaii. This is home to me but every once and a while I go exploring the world.

I shift to my original form and get out of the water. When I reach the tree line, I shift to a wolf and run to an old shack in the middle of the woods. I can shift into other animals and stuff too but I mostly stick with my dog-demon, wolf, and shark forms.

This little shack is my home for now, until I find someone who loves me the way I am. But I doubt that's ever going to happen. I don't even think I can love the person back. Then, again I don't even know what love is. All I've ever known is hate and sadness 'So how am I supposed to know if they love me or if I love them?'  I thought as I walk in through the broken door and lay down on the floor rug.

My father told me before he died that if I didn't find someone that loves me then I can't be in the dog-demon pack. I asked my mom what dad meant by it and she asked a question that I will never forget.

"What is it that you are fighting for?" She asked.

I still don't get it even to this day. But hopefully someday soon I will. I drift to sleep to the sound of a storm coming. 'Well at least I have a roof over my head.'  And I start to dream of a better tomorrow.


AN: Ok so I tried to make this better and add Zack's P.O.V. in there too yay I hope you guys like it. plz comment and vote. also I still don't know what to name the boy in chapter one and I would really like your help on the name. I would love to know what you think of the story so far. Plz and thank you. :)

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