Chapter 14

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Lindsey's P.O.V.

I stare wide eyed at the thing that's in my hands. 'Th-this is impossible! How in the hell is this here!?' I thought.

"I thought this was left at home? Why is my necklace that our "dad" gave to me here? I don't remember bringing it with me when I came to this world." I look outside of the cave. 'It's still night. I can't possibly go to sleep now that I've found out something interesting, and I can still smell the miasma although it's really faint.'

I suddenly feel something moving. I look around the cave. Then the walls and floor of the cave turn into what seems to be the inside of a creature. I can feel it pulsing like a heartbeat. I stand up and grab my bag. The walls are starting to close in on me. I run towards the outside of the cave as the exit looks like its closing.

I run faster, but the floor is making it difficult for me to run especially since it's moving. I look up 'I see it! It's the exit!' I keep on running as if my life depended on it. Well, technically it does at the moment at least. The exit is closing little by little and the more time I waist here, the less chance I'll be able to get out of here. 'Come on, you can do it! Just a little more...'

I can see that it's getting smaller and smaller by the minute. At the last minute, I was just about to reach it when a cloud of miasma was forming around me. I gagged at the stench and covered my face with my sleeve. 'Damn, I fell for one of Nuroku's traps. This isn't going to be good.'

I turn around when I heard laughter behind me. 'It's him.' Just then my eye sight started getting blurry. 'What will I do? I can't get out now. The exit has already closed.'

Zack's P.O.V.

I woke up early this morning to start the search again and so far nothing. It's as if she disappeared into thin air. I looked all over the place and still no sign of her. At this point I feel like I'm losing hope of finding her. I've used almost all of my shifting of various animals. I can't use my last one because I can only use it one time, and that's if I'm in a life or death battle with a very strong opponent.

I'm running out of energy too. I'm going to need some help on looking for her, but the question is who will help me? 'Well, I already know the answer to that one.' So I set off on my own to find them. If Stacey were to come back any time while I'm away I hope she stays here. If not then she'll have to find me as well and then It will be a huge mess.

For now I need to find Inuyasha and the gang like we originally set out to do. Once I'm there we'll have to figure out what we're going to do next.

Stacey's P.O.V.

*I see visions of a man in armor and a woman in a kimono. The man looks very similar to both Inuyasha and Sesshomeru and possibly my sister? The woman wearing a kimono looks more like me... 'How can this be? Why am I seeing these things?'

The man is now on a cliff and looking out toward the sea. It's winter and I can see that he is wounded. Sesshomeru is standing a few feet behind him. It seems like they are talking to each other but I can't hear what they are saying. Then the scene changes and I'm inside one of the rooms of the castle.

The woman is laying in a bed and kneeling beside her bed is a different man. Maybe one of the guards or something? I still can't hear what they are saying. Then the guard takes his weapon and stabs the woman on her side. I suddenly felt pain at that exact moment.

'Ouch! what was that? It felt like something stabbed me in the heart. But why am I still alive? Oh yeah, this isn't real. Then this must all be a dream. A really odd dream at that.' Then everything turned black.*

~Time Skip Unknown~

I wake up in a bed. Wait, what? A bed? I positioned myself so I am sitting up on the bed. I look around the room. 'Everything looks exactly like my room back at home. Wait, am I back home? Was it all just a crazy dream?' I go over to my door and open it just a crack. I wait a few minutes before opening it all the way. 'Okay so far nothing out of the ordinary.' I walk down the hall and into the kitchen. Everyone is here, Mom, Dad, and Lindsey too! 'So it was all just a dream!'

"Hey there girlie! You sure slept in late." Lindsey said while eating a blueberry muffin.

"Good morning sweetheart. There's a muffin for you too, if you want it." Mom said while making her coffee.

"Hey there stranger! Where have you been?" Dad jokingly said like he always says when I sleep in on the weekends.

Old lady's P.O.V.

I look at the child chained up to the base of the tree in my house. The beautiful flow of blood that she cries is almost irresistible and the pain and sorrow her soul must have been feeling all this time is exquisite and delicious to taste. 'Once I'm done with her memories and feelings she will be under my control. And soon I'll have my youth back the way it was before maybe even more beautiful.' I go to look in a mirror in my house.

"Ugh! I look hideous." I said to myself in the mirror.

"When do you think it's going to take for her soul to become one with yours, Zira?" Kagura said looking at the girl.

"At least three more days. But before I do that I'll have her do something for me." I tell her. She smiles then walks outside.

"I'll be sure to tell Nuroku what your doing. And don't forget to give the girl the shikon shard." She said and flew off.

"Oh, I will."


AN: Hey everyone! I hope you like this latest chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote. Please and thank you.

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