Chapter 13

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Lindsey's P.O.V.

I'm getting closer and closer to Nuroku's castle. I can feel it, the demonic aura and the smell of miasma is getting stronger each step I take. 'In three days time I'll be at his castle. That Nuroku's going to pay for what he did to my sister.'  I thought angrily.

I'm on a narrow pathway on the side of a large mountain. The air around here is crisp and by the looks of the sun setting it won't be long before it gets dark. I need to find a place to rest and quickly.

The more I walk the more I'm starting to feel sick. I eventually had to stop and turn back around back down the mountain.

I'm not strong enough yet to beat him if I can't even get past his miasma. I glance around my surroundings for a while until I found a cave that I must've passed by earlier without knowing it. I enter the cave set up camp for the night.

The full moon is out high above the mountains 'it must be almost midnight, yet I still can't sleep!' I thought irritably as I sit up from my sleeping position. I search in my bag that I had found a couple days ago and pull out my journal/diary thing, whatever you want to call it. I found this on a road path somewhere outside of a village. 'It must've dropped out of one of those cart things that merchants use to transport stuff from place to place.'  I wondered.

I open it to see what's in side. I flip through the pages. Nothing. Nothing but blank, empty pages. 'Well, that's a bummer. I thought it was going to be one of those books that you read to find out that it has some sort of secret code in it or something. Well, at least I'll keep it for now and maybe sell it to someone at the next village I come across.'  I put it back in the bag and dig around for anything else I might have. Then my fingers brush over something strange. I grab it and pull it out of my bag. I turn it around analyzing every detail of this thing before realizing what it is.

Stacey's P.O.V.

Zack gave Sesshomeru and the others the note like he said he would and we took off. I felt bad about leaving Rin. She was like another sister to me. 'But I guess leaving them is probably for the best. I don't want to hold them back or anything, besides I have my own problems to deal with first.'  I thought while walking on a pathway heading East. The sun is high above our heads and the sky is so clear you can barely see the clouds. It's a little hot, though, for a beautiful day.

I look up ahead of us and see a village in the distance. 'Yes! Maybe we can get a real bath and not just going around trying to find some water source to bathe in.'  I thought. I turn my head to Zack and point towards the village. He shook his head.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"I don't think it's a good idea to stay while there's still plenty of daylight out." He explained.

"Well, we would be able to get a bath." I told him hoping he'll get my point.

"The more ground we cover the closer we'll be to Inuyasha and the others." He said stubbornly.

"But, don't you want to at least take a look around. Its not like we've been hearing any horrible rumors about the place." He thought about it for a moment. Then he sighed.

"Okay, fine. We'll go the village but only to look around, then we'll be off." He said. I feel like doing the happy dance. I like going to villages especially when its time for the festivals. It sometimes reminds me of home.

We make it to the village and it seems that everything is peaceful around here. The music's playing somewhere in the distance. There are people casually walking around, some shopping, some working in the fields, etc.

I see an old woman standing at the counter of a small store that seems to be full of instruments. I'm pretty sure my eyes grew so big that they probably look like bug eyes to other people. I ran up to the counter and smile at the old woman.

"Hello there young lady have you come to buy an instrument?" The nice old lady asked.

"Yes, umm....." I look behind her and see the most beautifully carved guitar sitting in the corner of the shop. I smiled and pointed to the instrument.

"May I have that one right there, please?" I asked her.

"You have a good eye, miss and lucky too. It's very rare to find something as beautiful as this nowadays." She said while getting the guitar and setting it gently on the counter. I have no idea where my first one went and just walking around, having occasional conversations along the way, is getting pretty dull to me. I love to listen to music and maybe sing along to them, if its something that I know.

"How much is it?" I asked the woman.

"10 jewels." she said.

I bit my lip and dig into my pockets for some money. I pull out 4 jewels from my left pocket and 5 from the right. 'Damn, I don't have enough money.'  I put the money in my left hand and reached into my pocket with my other hand. no luck.

"I'm sorry I don't have enough money." I tell her, disappointed that I couldn't afford it.

"Oh, well that's too bad. Unless..."

"Unless what?" I look up at her hopefully.

"Unless you have something to trade with, I might just let you have this." She said. 'Hmm... Something to trade with?'  She leaned forward over the counter.

"Come with me to the back so we can talk about this in private." She said. I look around then follow her.

Zack's P.O.V.

Looking around here I'm starting to have some suspicions. The villagers all look so happy. Maybe too happy, if you ask me. I keep my guard up and just keep walking. I lost Stacey somewhere back when we entered the village. 'I bet right now she is looking at something that she really wants but can't get.'

I mentally roll my eyes at the thought. She must've been spoiled as a child. Either that or she is naïve about the world. I'm going with both. I wander around for a while trying to find Stacey so we can leave.

"Stacey." I call out. Nothing.

"Stacey?" I shout again. Still nothing. 'She must be at another part of the village.'  I thought. Then walk the other direction.

After calling and searching for about a few hours, I start to panic. 'Where is she?!'  I keep searching until dusk. I still haven't found her. Well, it looks like we're staying here after all. I asked a man if I could stay at his house for the night. He let me into the living room and I got ready for bed. 'I guess I'll need to find her tomorrow.'


AN: Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating on the weekends as usual. I have been busy with projects, choir rehearsals and concerts, and studying for finals that are coming up. *sighs*  The only thing that's keeping me going so far is Summer. And I've made the decision that I will not be updating until summer starts.

Again sorry for the crappy updates, I was rushing to get those chapters done. I will make up to you guys over the summer. And I would like to say thanks to everyone who has supported me and hopefully will keep supporting me (even through my crappy story).

Oh and what would you guys think if I did a second book after this one? I would like to have your opinion on this. Don't forget to comment and vote. Plz and thank you.

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