Chapter 9

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Stacey's P.O.V.

I woke up in what looks to be a dungeon of some sort. I looked around the room only to see that I'm alone and there is only one window, but it has thick bars on it. 'So much for planning to escape through the window.'  I thought glumly. I move to sit up from the cold floor and hear the jingling sound of chains. I look down at my hands and feet to see that there are barb wire chains around my wrists and ankles.

 'Are they capturing me or killing me? Or both?'  I asked myself as I moved my body I'm sitting up against the cement wall. My stomach growls loudly after a while of just sitting there not being able to do anything. I've tried to untie the barb wires on me, but all I end up doing is losing a lot of blood. I eventually hear footsteps coming towards the cell door. I instantly become alert and stay silent.

A tall person entered the room in a dark blue kimono. His hair is long and black, and his eyes are dark brown. He has fair skin and is holding something in his right hand. He walks up and sits in front of me. I tilt my head to one side as I look at his right hand.

"Don't worry you'll get to see what's in my right hand in a minute." The mystery man said. I look back up to his face.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Nuroku and you must be Stacey I presume." He said.

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked him with a suspicious look.

"Your friend earlier brought you here." He explained.

"Friend? Which friend?" I asked confused. I know Inuyasha and the gang wouldn't hurt me, would they?

"He goes by the name Zack." He said. My eyes widened at the mention of his name. 'So, does that mean he was the one that trapped me? Or did someone else do it for him?'  I thought.

"Why did he bring me here? Did he plan this all along?" I asked him feeling betrayed by someone that I once knew.

"I told him to bring you here to be cured by the gases and such. And yes he  did plan all of this." He told me. Now I feel both angry and betrayed.

"How could he do this to me? I thought he was my friend." I said quietly while looking down at my hands. Then another question popped up.

"Umm not to be rude or anything, but can you take these things off of me?" I asked him while showing him my wrists.

"Sure." he simply said. Then he held his hand out at my wrists and the wires melted off. Then, he did the same for my ankles too. I rub my wrists but then stopped when I felt pain jolt through my body. I forgot about the cuts.

"Is that much better?" he asked me. I nodded my head in response.

"Good, now I need to ask you a few questions if you don't mind." He said. I nodded for him to continue and he smiled.

"Ok, first of all do you know this is?" He asked holding out a sheikon fragment in his right hand. I nodded looking at it.

"Good that saves time explaining what it is then. So, you were friends with Zack?" He asked.

"Yeah I was friends with him but not anymore I guess." I said getting angry again at the mention of his name.

"Do you feel betrayed by him?"


"Do you feel angry at him for doing such a thing to you?"


"Then would you like for him to just go away?" I paused for a moment to think about it.

"Yes." Memories of when we first met came up as I said so and it just made me even more angry.

"It's ok to hate him after all it's an emotion that we all feel, isn't it?" He asked me still holding out the fragment to my forehead.

"Yes." I said. He placed the fragment into my hand and stood up. I looked up at him curiously.

"Keep it and put it in good use." He told me as he walked out of the cell. I then looked at my own wrist then at the fragment. I put the fragment into one of the cuts in my wrist and stood up.

 'Kill him. Kill Zack.'  A voice told me. I walked out of the cell, up the stairs, down the long hallway, and out into the open.'M-my body! It's moving on its own!'  Nuroku's poisonous insects are following me. Almost as if they are watching me.

Lindsey's P.O.V.

I sighed as I turned back around towards my bedroom. Cole is gone. Well whatever. I'm going to the willow tree tomorrow morning and hopefully get back to my sister without anything bad happening. I head to bed and dream of the memories I had with my real family.

Time skip: Tomorrow- early in the morning

I had woken up this morning with a lot more energy than usual, but oh well. I walk through the woods on my way to the willow tree that I saw yesterday. Chester, the cat I met at the castle, is leading me towards it.

I have my bow and arrows, that the queen let me use, at ready incase I run into something along the way. I learned archery when I was little. It was one of the many requirements that I had to learn to defend myself. As we got closer and closer to the willow, the less and less other trees were surrounding us. 'I'm almost there, just a little more.'  I thought as I brushed away some branches and twigs.

We finally make it to the willow and I walk up to the hole at the base of it. 'Well, here goes nothing.'  I jumped down into the hole and then black.

Zack's P.O.V.

I'm heading back to the willow where I first captured Stacey. I look around my surroundings carefully making sure no one is following me. When I get there I suddenly start having flashback's to the evening when Stacey was singing. The way she looked as she sang with her eyes closed. The way she put her emotions into the song. It was beautiful. 'No, she was beautiful.' 

I've been trying to keep the demon inside of me concealed within me. I can't let it take control. Because if I do I'll loss myself to it and hurt other's that are around me. I don't want that.

Nuroku has Stacey now and I'm starting to become concerned. 'What will she feel about me? If I see her again, will I be able to protect her from the demon in me?'  I thought as I climbed up and sat down on a branch of the tree.

I run my hand through my hair trying to figure out what to do next. 'Kill her. Kill Stacey.'  A new voice told me. I was really confused at first, but then somehow my body was starting to move on it's own. 'I-I can't control my own body! What's going on!?'

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