Chapter 8

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Stacey's P.O.V.

Kagome had gone back into the well, that leads to her world, to take a test at her school. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo had gone off to do their own thing and Inuyasha and Kaede were still here with me at the village. Inuyasha was talking to Kaede at her house as I wandered off to my favorite tree in the woods.

I brush away some branches and twigs that were in my way as I made my way to the willow tree. I look up at the tree and put one hand on the trunk of the tree when I got close to it. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply of the scent of the place that surrounds me.

I then hear a twig snap to the left side of me. I snap my eyes open and turn my head towards the direction the sound came from. It was just a bunny. 'Hah, wow I got scared of a bunny. How pathetic.' I relax and sat down at the base of the tree. The bunny came near me and I just held my hand out to it. When it got closer it sniffs my hand to see if I was anything dangerous. It came closer to me and jumps onto my lap. Apparently I'm not scary. I guess that's a good thing.

I started to pet the bunny subconsciously as I leaned my head against the trunk of the tree. After a while the bunny's ears perked up and whipped its head to a direction in the forest where it probably heard something. I look in the direction its looking at and see something in the bushes.

The bunny rushes off to the opposite direction of the bushes. I stand up and get into a fighting stance. Since I didn't have anything magical about me like the others do, I had been training with everyone to help me become stronger or at least fend for myself. I heard a growl from behind me then suddenly gas bombs went off all around me.

I cough as the smell is starting to get to me, even though I have my hand covering my mouth it's still a powerful smell. I try to get out of there but my legs somehow got tangled up in barb wire and fall to the ground. 'It's a trap!' I thought, but it was too late. My vision is starting to get blurry and I can't hold my breath much longer.

I gasped for breath but instead of fresh air, I got toxic gas into my lungs. I start feeling drowsy but I fight it and try to stay awake. I push myself off the ground with my hands and remembered the barb wire. I reach back with all my might to get them off, but after a long time it seems like to me, I instead got a lot of cuts on my hands and legs. I lay back down on the ground onto my side, no longer having the strength to sit up. My eyes shut and I was engulfed into darkness.

Lindsey's P.O.V.

I growled at the man in front of me. 'How is he still here!? He is supposed to be dead!?' I thought as he smirked at me. He is getting on my nerves already.

"What do you want Cole!?" I asked him in almost a growl. I prepare myself for whatever he has up his sleeves this time.

"Well hello to you too, Lindsey." He said calmly. I narrowed my eyes at him. I know that he wants something. He always does and will go out of his way to get whatever he wants.

"What do you want." I don't even think it came out as a question to him, but I don't care.

"Oh, don't worry about your little sister, Lindsey. She is in good hands.... at Nuroku's castle." He smirked even wider and took a few steps towards me. I growl at him as he stopped a few feet in front of me.

"Let her go." I demanded him in a deadly tone. My eyes turn into a gold-like color.

"It's not in my position to let her go or to keep her. My Little brother has her now, so it's out of the question weather or not she will be let go or not." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Then on behalf of the former royals before my sister and I, tell your younger brother to let her go." I told him using my royal princess voice.

I haven't used this voice in a long while. Mother taught me well of being a princess of our clan. And father taught me how to fight and defend myself really well too. He was 'The Great Demon Dog' is what most are familiar to calling him. But not many know about his background about Stacey and I. They only know about our brothers. Sesshomeru and Inuyasha. It was really great to finally see Inuyasha but unfortunately he had his memories altered too along with Sesshomeru.

"Well unfortunately for you I can't do that. You are going to have to stop him yourself and that's not going to be easy now that he has met Nuroku. He also took a shard of the sheikon jewel from him, so he's going to be more powerful than the last time you fought with him." He informed me.

"I don't care what happens to him I want my sister to be safe and away from him." I told Cole. I turned around and walked out onto the balcony. I rested my arms on the edge of the cement railing looking out at the willow tree in the distance. 'Don't worry, Stacey. I will come to save you. Please stay strong for me until I get there.' I thought as a gentle breeze passed by.

Zack's P.O.V.

My plan worked! I actually have her in my grasp. I was told by Nuroku not to kill her because I may need her later. So, instead I put her into the dungeon and chained her up in barbwire. Even if she does wake up she won't be able to escape. Without trailing blood that is.

But lately I've been getting a bad feeling deep down inside me and it's annoying as hell. I've also been getting dark voices in my head telling me what to do. I want it to stop but it will not go away for whatever reason. I feel like I'm at war with myself. Being a shifter is hard on its own, but being a shifter and a demon is harder. A half-breed if you will. And pretty soon I don't think I can control the demon inside of me.

'But no matter she will be gone by the end of the week or so. I want to see her sister watch Stacey's very slow and painful death right before her very eyes, just as I had watched my family die.' My demon says. 'No, you can't. She's too innocent to be killed.' I tell him. 'You are a pain. I just want to have some fun.' He says. 'But I like her.' I thought to myself. This is the real reason why I left Stacey and the others. I knew I was becoming more dangerous to be around by the day.

I look up at the sky wondering about random things and occasionally the demon part of me would pop up in my head. That is until I sat down in the middle of a meadow and meditated for a while until Stacey suddenly pops back into my head.

I still haven't figured out what makes Stacey so special. I know there is something about her that says she's not normal, but I just can't put my finger on it. I'm one of those people who want to solve the problem thoroughly and can't put it off to the side until I know what that problem is and change it or something.

I want to be with her. She is the first person I've ever even mentioned my little sister to. She made me feel like I'm not alone when we were talking that day in the restaurant. But it's only wishful thinking. I doubt she would ever except me for who I am.

After all I am a monster, aren't I?

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