Chapter 11

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Unknown P.O.V.

'So, she has some of her memories back.' I thought as I watched the little runt on my lacrima. 'The time is nearing my dear. I hope you are ready for what's to come.' I stand up from my throne and look towards a set of doors. I hear footsteps coming from the other side.

When the doors open a woman walks in and stands in front of me with a worried expression on her face. My wife, Izayoi.

"I tried to help her out, but I ended up giving her a little bit of power as well." She said.

"It's alright. it might just help her in the long run." I told her. She looks up at me confused.

"What about the boys?" She asked. I look into her eyes.

"I think Lindsey will handle that part with them." I reassured her. I then walk out of the throne room and towards our room. Once there I walk over to the closet and pull out a large plastic tub full of our memories and treasures.

I also pull out a sword I had yet to have given to any of my children. I've been deciding on who shall be the on to inherit this. And soon the time will come for the sword to be handed down to only one of my children.

Stacey's P.O.V.

I followed my brother to his group of friends. An imp named Jaken, a human girl named Rin, and a two headed dragon named Auun. We exchanged our hellos and we soon followed Sesshomeru to the direction of North-East.

At one point we had to stop for food and to catch up on some sleep since it's night. I snuggled up in a tree that's not too far away from the group. I've noticed that I like being high up when I sleep outside. It just seem safer to me at least. Rin is sleeping next to the fire with Auun and Jaken, Sesshomeru is a little distance away from them.

I look up at the sky to see a Blood Moon over us. I start having flashbacks of the night of my 16th birthday. The feeling of being watched, the face through the window, everything. I know it's been almost a full year since that day but still it's hard to stop the memories and pain of losing the people you once loved. And knew. I eventually fall to sleep with only one thing on my mind

'Now what?'

Lindsey's P.O.V.

The gang and I had been heading towards the North-East. That's where Nuroku headed off to after Inuyasha broke his barrier, before we came here that is. It is early in the morning. We had been here at Kaede's house for two days now and today I'm feeling extremely impatient.

So, I went to the woods to clear my mind. After some time I ended up standing at the base of the same tree that Stacey used to sit under. I put a hand on the its trunk and closed my eyes. I can smell Stacey's scent around this area, but it's really faint. I open my eyes then sit where she would sit and look at the surroundings... that's when I started having flashbacks again.

I am standing on top of a hill looking down at a castle in the distance. It's a bright and sunny day with a cool breeze blowing by as I am surrounded by strange flowers. I'm picking some of them, admiring how beautiful they look together while humming a tune of a song I had heard mother sing all the time. A Thousand Years. I never understood what the song meant but I liked it. It was a great song.

I hear someone behind me and I turn to look up at the person. It was mother. She held out a hand for me to take and I gladly took it as she helped me up and lead me back to the castle. Father was there waiting with Sesshomeru while holding a kimono that mother had been working on for a week.

I run up to them as father hands the kimono over to me and smiles. I smile back and thanked everyone then left to my room in the castle to put it on. It was a purplish-pink color with elegant details on it.

I, suddenly, was snapped back to reality. I looked around and saw that a few hours had passed by. 'Did I fall asleep? Was it all just a dream?' I thought to myself while rubbing my eyes and then stretching. 'I should probably get back to the others.' I stood up then walked back the way I came from.

Stacey's P.O.V.

We woke up and were off to North-East. We occasionally took a break and when we did Rin would ask me to go with her to pick some flowers or something. Sometimes I would hum songs that I've heard of while with her.

"What song is that?" Rin asked while picking some pretty flowers.

"It's a lullaby that my mom used to sing to me whenever ." I told her while picking some pretty flowers of my own.

"Oh, well it sounds like a pretty tune. Can you sing?" She asked.

"Yes I can." I told her handing some flowers over to her. We decided make a bouquet just for the heck of it.

"That's great!" Rin exclaimed clearly happy about me singing. When we gathered all the flowers we needed we put them in bundles and walked back with them. I've got to say that this was fun. I had a great time with Rin.

We make it back to Sesshomeru and the others. Rin runs up to them excited to show her bundle to them.

"Look lord Sesshomeru! Stacey and I made these!" She said. I just keep my distance still holding my bundle. He looks at me then looks back to Rin.

"Is that so." he says with a blank expression. Then walks away. Sesshomeru is one of those guys that have very few words to say and just takes thing all in stride. After all he is a full demon of course. I don't talk to him cause I don't want to get on his bad side. Plus I don't think he knows about me or my sister.

It might be best to keep quiet for the time being. I should be finding out how to get back to Inuyasha and the gang. Then I thought that since we are heading the same direction as Inuyasha's group we would eventually run into each other.

It has been two weeks since the day I met Sesshomeru and not much has happened other than us walking and occasionally taking breaks. There had been a couple of times where he would disappear without a word and we had to stay put until he came back.

During those times I let Rin braid my hair and put flowers in it to make it look pretty. My hair blonde grew really long these past two weeks and is still growing as if trying to get back to its original form.

I've also picked up some clothing while traveling for both Rin and me. I didn't get Jaken or Sesshomeru anything cause either they didn't want anything or they never mention anything they would like to have.

 'I wonder how Lindsey is doing right now?'  I thought.

Zack's P.O.V.

I went back to Nuroku's castle with mixed emotions but I shake it off and focus on the task at hand. Nuroku has ordered me to come back and watch over his newest incarnation. I really don't care for his incarnations, but I know if I don't do as he wishes my life will be on the line.

I walk down the hall to the room that Nuroku had told me where the incarnation would be. Once I was in the room I sat in the corner on the other side of the odd, greenish-purple egg looking thing facing it.

After a while it starts hatching. I don't know what to do. Then Kanna comes in with her mirror in her hands.

"Nuroku wants to see you."


AN: The pic at the top is supposed to be a visual of Stacey's hair braided (ignore the fact that its Rapunzel). And there is a mystery person now (0.0) find out more in the next chapter (Maybe)! Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

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